"find" and {a,c,m}time

The Grey Wolf greywolf at unisoft.UUCP
Thu Oct 13 10:19:05 AEST 1988

!In article <170 at libove.UUCP> root at libove.UUCP (Jay M. Libove) writes:
![ How he uses find for backups... ]

!Okay, so "find -?time 3 -print" should find all files ?'d within the
!last three days, right? Nope. To wit:

[ listing omitted ... explanation below ]

!As you can see, -mtime 1 included only those files modified in the day
!preceeding, and -mtime 2 included only those files modified in the day
!preceeding the day preceeding, _not_ files modified within the last two
!days. This obviously makes it difficult to use
!% find . -mtime (epoch_days) | afio ...
!to back up the filesystem incrementally.

For that you use:

% find . -mtime +(epoch_days) | afio ...

(the + means that it will look at anything older than epoch_days; a -
 would indicate that it would be looking at things younger than epoch_days).

! ---
! Jay Libove		ARPA:	jl42 at andrew.cmu.edu or libove at cs.cmu.edu
! 5731 Centre Ave, Apt 3	BITnet:	jl42 at andrew or jl42 at drycas
! Pittsburgh, PA 15206	UUCP:	uunet!nfsun!libove!libove or
! (412) 362-8983		UUCP:	psuvax1!pitt!darth!libove!libove
! -- 
 ** All views expressed herein are my own and not those of UniSoft Corp. **
# Statement: Not Invented Here.  My answer:  See Figure 1. 		  #
# Roan (RO-an) Anderson, UniSoft Corporation, (415) 420-6410 x 168.	  #
# ...sun!unisoft!greywolf # /harley/davidson: Mount device busy.###########

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