DHV11 driver for Uvax II

Ross Parker parker at waters.mpr.ca
Thu Oct 20 09:14:25 AEST 1988

We have been having a problem on one of our Microvax-IIs running
Ultrix 2.2. This Microvax has an ABLE Mux installed, with 16 ports.
The mux is driven using the standard dhu11 driver supplied with Ultrix.

The problem... we are getting 'receive FIFO overflow' messages and are
losing data when large chunks of data get sent to this thing. The
people at ABLE tell us that this is a known problem, and that it is
cureable by installing a dhv11 driver in place of the dhu11 driver.


	Where can I get my hands on a dhv11 driver that will run in the
	above configuration?

	Is ABLE out to lunch with their suggested fix?

	Has anyone else run across this problem?

Thanks for any help you can give me...

Ross Parker      uunet!ubc-cs!mpre!parker       |
Microtel Pacific Research Ltd.			| You can't erase the dream,
Burnaby, B.C.,					| you can only wake me up...
Canada, eh?					|

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