Input Queue Size

totty at totty at
Mon Oct 17 03:21:00 AEST 1988

	Here are some UNIX file i/o questions.

	(1) Is there any way to tell how much data is waiting
	    to be read off of an input file descriptor (or socket)?
	    I want to read as many bytes as possible off of an
	    input file descriptor without blocking.
	(2) If a socket is configured as 'non-blocking', and
	    a recv is done on it, will it read as much as possible,
	    or will it just return with errno = EWOULDBLOCK without
	    performing even a partial operation?

						--- Bri

   /                      Brian Totty              o o
  /__  __  o      URH 655 Sherman / 909 S. Fifth    o  
 /  / /   /           Champaign, IL 61820          \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /            totty at                Massachusetts too!"

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