*nix performance

Blom M L blom at cs.vu.nl
Wed Sep 28 05:08:46 AEST 1988

Hi netland!

In due time I will be involved in the purchase of a computer which should run
some kind of UNIX.
This computer will be used by about 7 people simultaneously, where only one
will run really heavy jobs.

The point is, I don't know anything about the performances of 386-machines
with some kind of *IX compared to mini-computers like VAX-es etc.

Alas, my question cannot be put very precisely, but could anyone of you:

	-give me info/pointers to magazines about relative performances
	 of different UNIX-es
	-give me info/pointers to magazines about relative performances
	 of machines running some *IX.

One of my main interests is whether a fast (25MHz with cache etc) 386 with
some users attached to it can compare itself with a VAX/750 or other minis.

Furthermore, which UNIX-es can work with MessDos? I know Xenix does, and
Unisys advertises with some *IX which should be able to do it, I believe.
Does anyone know whether this really works?

I would be very grateful with any data.

And eeeer..... if my English is bad it is because I come from this country
where everybody believes they're speaking English without any accent
.............. if my questions are bad/already answered/provoking, just
forgive me my dumbness! :-)

Please don't let this grow into a this-is-much-better-than-what-you-said-war,
like vi-emacs.
So response by email seems best.


			Lennert Blom.

[Yes, the Netherlands, in case you wondered.]

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