Bit Switching - How?

Ralph Wirthlin wirthlin at uvm-gen.UUCP
Tue Apr 4 07:28:42 AEST 1989

This may have already been asked, but ...

Does anyone know of a *very fast* way to swap bits at some location n 
between two separate bytes b1 and b2?

	      3 2 1 0
e.g.    b1 -> 0 0 1 1 
	b2 -> 1 0 1 0
swapping bits at offset 3 would produce

	      3 2 1 0
	b1 -> 1 0 1 1
	b2 -> 0 0 1 0

Thanks for any help you can give.

Ralph L. Wirthlin          	    |  "Who knows where madness lies ..
EMAIL:wirthlin at	    |   To surrender dreams, this may be 
USMAIL:  BOX 125  Newport Ctr., VT  |   madness .. too much sanity is madness,
				    |	but maddest of all is to see life as
				    |	it is and not as it should be"
				    |              - Man of La Mancha	

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