Re^2: C Shell history, backprimes Q's -- Noddy Level

Maarten Litmaath maart at
Fri Apr 7 04:10:24 AEST 1989

bobg+ at (Robert Steven Glickstein) writes:
\% foo bar parm
\foo: You're an idiot
\% !!:1!!:2 !$
\foobar parm
\foobar: You're a genius

Allright, I wrote that it couldn't be done and I goofed.
But this solution isn't `in the spirit' of the original posting.
And it can be done simpler:

	% foo bar baz
	foo: Command not found.
	% !:0!*
	foobar baz
	foobar: Command not found.

So what have you achieved? Csh still doesn't find foobar! :-)
 "If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
  it's probably wrong." (jim at bilpin). |maart at, mcvax!botter!maart

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