Wyse350 problems & terminfo

Nick Price nick at bilpin.UUCP
Thu Apr 27 01:29:15 AEST 1989

Have just received a Wyse350 colour terminal and certain things
are a bit sick !
	1. Does anyone have a terminfo for this tty ? (Not just a 
	   wyse50 one either, but one which implements protected
	   fields etc)

	2. How can I set it to autowrap lines longer than 80/132
	   columns ? - No mention in the manual !!!

Thanks in advance


ps:	I have a working ORACLE wyse350.crt if anyone is interested.

Nick Price          SRL Data        || Apple link : UK0001
1 Perren Street     London NW5 3ED  || UUCP	  : nick at bilpin.uucp
Phone:              +44 1 485 6665  || Path	  : mcvax!ukc!icdoc!bilpin!nick

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