Unix BBS Software

Stephen Corbesero flash at lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU
Fri Apr 28 03:53:55 AEST 1989

I need to put up a bulletin board system on Unix.  Although I have an
older version of XBBS, I tried to get a newer version, but alphacm
seems to have disappeared.

My questions are
  1) Are there any better BBS programs for unix than XBBS?
     a) If so, what and where are they?
     b) If not, how can I relocate alphacm?

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Corbesero                              flash at lehi3b15.UUCP
VLSI Design Automation Lab                     flash at lehi3b15.CSEE.Lehigh.EDU
Computer Science And Electrical Engineering,   usgcorb at vax1.CC.Lehigh.EDU
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015

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