C Shell history, backprimes Q's -- Noddy Level

Maarten Litmaath maart at cs.vu.nl
Thu Apr 6 12:46:49 AEST 1989

ian at hpopd.HP.COM (Ian Watson) writes:
\I've just entered a command 'foo bar parm', when what I wanted was
\'foobar parm'. ...

Welcome to csh! There's no way to achieve what you want :-(

\Also, why does
\echo `man ps`
\Missing ].

Compare and understand what's happening:

	echo `echo [`
	echo "`echo [`"
	echo `echo \[`
	echo "`echo \[`"

RTFM :-)
 "If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
  it's probably wrong." (jim at bilpin). |maart at cs.vu.nl, mcvax!botter!maart

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