Dialing telephones...

James Brister brister at td2cad.intel.com
Wed Aug 23 14:48:14 AEST 1989

I'd like to have a program dial a telephone number and then (possibly) dial
another number into the open connection (much like entering your phone-calling
card number when the phone beeps at you). Could someone give me an idea of
where to start looking? tip and acucap man pages don't give a clue about using
the generic dialers from a program. Thanks.


James Brister                 "Is the set of all respectable sets respectable?"
UUCP:	{amdcad,decwrl,hplabs,oliveb,pur-ee,qantel}!td2cad!brister
ARPA:	brister%td2cad.intel.com at relay.cs.net
CSNET:	brister at td2cad.intel.com                          VOICE: (408) 765-9713

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