Shell Database Management (?)

David Parsons parsnips at dasys1.UUCP
Thu Aug 31 11:14:35 AEST 1989

I would like to use a Bourne shell script to extract records from a simple
database of fixed-length fields terminated with a new-line character.

I've tried R'ing TFM to no avail.  

The problem... the database consists of addresses... positions 99 and 100
in each record contain a two-position abbreviation for the state.  It's easy
to get cut to read those two characters, and grep to identify the state I
want to extract, but how the ^#$&! do you then copy the ENTIRE record 
thus identified to another file???  Using grep alone is no good because 
the abbreviation appears in various other places in the record...

I KNOW there's a simple answer to this, but it's making me crazy (we gotta
buy a database, I know, I know...)

Any help would be appreciated! 


David Parsons

David Parsons
Big Electric Cat Public UNIX

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