Wanted: rshd source

Paul Hargrove m20992 at mwvm.mitre.org
Wed Aug 16 23:00:05 AEST 1989

I desperately need source code for rshd (daemon for rcp and other r commands)

I must have it before the 25th, because after that time I will no longer have
any network access.  (I need the r commands for a LAN)

Please E-mail me where I can get the source I need at :
     m20992 at mwvm.mitre.org enough before the 25th of August that I can get the
code downloaded before the deadline (no pun intended) of the 25th.
   Please send detailed instructions on how to get it by ftp, I am not very
experienced with the net, and telnet, mail, and ftp are the only things I can
even come close to using effectively.

NOTE: The source is for a port to a System V machine with 64-bit words if this
is of any importance.  The source code must also be obtained completely
legally as it is for a school, with a government looking over its shoulders.  I
f some sort of license fee is required please note that in your response so I c
an pass it on to those with that particular power.

_*Much*_ thanks in advance.

This disclaimer (which consists of nonblanks separated by blanks) intentionally
left almost blank.
*        Paul

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