Is the Tektronix 4317 any good?

Russ Nelson nelson at
Fri Aug 11 01:54:36 AEST 1989

Tektronix wants to sell us a "Tektronix 4317 Color Graphics Workstation"

 - UNIX, C, X, Ethernet, NFS, and Smalltalk.
 - 19 inch, very high resolution color display.
 - Standalone and network compatible.

for $5,000.  Yes, that's right, 5,000.  That's the educational institution
price.  Does anyone know if this is a good deal, or if you're merely getting
what you're paying for?
--russ (nelson at clutx [.bitnet |])|(70441.205 at|
       (Russ.Nelson at|(BH01 at :-)

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