Killing with awk and grep

Tricia Gardenhire tgardenh at
Fri Aug 11 07:35:46 AEST 1989

Hi, I've been reading the man pages for awk, but they just aren't that
helpful.  So here is my question:  I want to create a shell script
that will look at ps -aux for a certain process called '-sleeper' and
then kill it.  I've figured out how to search for it using grep and
how to display the PID with awk.  But, I have no idea how to use these
with kill in mind.  Something else I'm sure you will know, how do I
keep the script from killing itself?  Grep will find everything with
the word '-sleeper' including the grep command finding the word.
Any ideas. 

Please email responses to tgardenh at and I'll summarize if
there is enough interest.

Thanks, in advance, for any and all help.


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