Wanted: Password checking program info

Jim Rudolf rudolf at neptune.uucp
Wed Aug 9 08:18:29 AEST 1989

In article <2171 at zaphod.axion.bt.co.uk> skilbane at zaphod.axion.bt.co.uk writes:
>>> [....]
>>>   if (done==ENDOFFILE)
>>>     puts("Sorry ... password not found in dict.\n");
>> I hope people have the good sense to use a non-dictionary password now that
>> programs like this are floating around the net.

I have apparently missed the entire thread discussing password checking
programs!  Where might I catch such a program floating around the net?


Jim Rudolf

College of Oceanography                              Oregon State University
rudolf at oce.orst.edu    -or-    {tektronix,hp-pcd}!orstcs!oce.orst.edu!rudolf
                      "All opinions herein are mine" 

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