how do you get modeline(s) to work under vi?

Greyham Stoney greyham at hades.OZ
Sat Dec 16 03:46:45 AEST 1989

Can anyone provide me with a working example of how to get modelines to
work under vi?. Our vi (ISC 386/ix) 'set all' shows a 'modelines' option;
(note that it's plural; the BSD manual I have says it's singular) but I
can't seem to get it to do anything.

If anyone can help me out with getting modelines to work, I'd really
appreciate it. Needless to say, I can't find anything on vi by Reading The
Fine Manuals provided by ISC.


/*  Greyham Stoney:                            Australia: (02) 428 6476  *
 *     greyham at hades.oz  - Ausonics Pty Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney, Oz.      *
 *                ISDN: Interface Subscribers Don't Need                 */

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