Strange file system problem.

Conor P. Cahill cpcahil at virtech.uucp
Sat Dec 9 00:12:17 AEST 1989

In article <21681 at adm.BRL.MIL>, ATT3B%UCONNVM.BITNET at (Martin Stein) writes:
> After logging in i issue the 'pwd' command. It says:
>            pwd: cannot open ..
> Then i did 'cd /user1' and 'cd'. After that pwd works.

The problem is probably that you don't have read access to one of the
directories above you (or maybe your login directory itself).  the 
reason that pwd works after a cd /user1; cd is probably because the
shell that you are using keeps track of the current directory.  Try
to run /bin/pwd directly and see if the "cannot open .." reappears.

To find the problem you need to do an "ls -ld  .."  check permissions and 
if they are ok keep adding /.. until you find the directory tat does not
have read permissons.

| Conor P. Cahill     uunet!virtech!cpcahil      	703-430-9247	!
| Virtual Technologies Inc.,    P. O. Box 876,   Sterling, VA 22170     |

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