USENIX Conference Proceedings

George W. Leach reggie at
Sat Feb 18 03:52:17 AEST 1989

In article <8918 at alice.UUCP> ark at alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) writes:
>In article <196 at>, po at writes:

>> I am interested in collecting all the USENIX Conference Proceedings
>> published so far.
>> Does anyone have an idea about how long it would take to order from:
>> 	USENIX Associatioin
>> 	P.O. Box 2299
>> 	Berkeley, CA 94701

>They seem to be pretty quick.  When I've ordered conference
>proceedings from them, they've shown up within a few weeks,
>and that includes the delays from our purchasing department.

     That does seem to be the norm.

>I will ask them for a list of available proceedings and prices
>and post the answer when it arrives.

      The latest issue of ;login: (the bimonthly newsletter of the
USENIX Association) lists the following on page 48:

Large Installation Sys Admin Workshop, 1988			$ 8
C++ Conference, 1988						$30
UNIX and Supercomputers Workshop, 1988				$20
UNIX Security Workshop, 1988					$ 5
SF USENIX Conference, 1988					$20
C++ Workshop, 1987						$30
Graphics Workshop IV, 1987					$10
Wash, D.C. USENIX Conference, 1987				$10
Graphics Workshop III, 1986					$10

     And, of course, there are the Proceedings from the recent San Diego
Conference.  I believe the price went up to $30 on this, but I could be
wrong.  The above prices are *only* for domestic mailing.  There are
additional fees for overseas air delivery.  Payment *must* be enclosed
with the order and must be drawn on a US bank.

George W. Leach					Paradyne Corporation
..!uunet!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-129
reggie at			P.O. Box 2826
Phone: (813) 530-2376				Largo, FL  USA  34649-2826

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