How do I implement the UUCP maps?

Mark Frost humtech at
Sat Feb 4 09:20:34 AEST 1989

Hello. I'm trying to get the uucp maps up and running on my system. We are
using an ISI V16 running 4.3 BSD UNIX. I was told that I needed "pathalias"
which I now have. 

How do I make our mailer user pathalias to resolve addresses, i.e. how do I 
tell sendmail to try pathalias and the uucp maps to find a mail path? Where
do I make changes - in

Also, do I need to enter our system name in the uucp maps somewhere? We are
actually on a LAN, so we haven't been officially registered and probably
shouldn't, but I think that pathalias needs to know what we are connected to.
I haven't been able to get just the pathalias command to work right yet. If 
I tell pathalias to look for a site and tell it where the maps are it always
tells me "you can't get there from here", even after I add an entry for 
our site in the uucp map.

Please send any responses via e-mail.
Thanx very much for your help...

Mark Frost
	Office of the the Computing Coordinator
	Humanities Division
	University of California at Santa Cruz
Internet: humtech at ucschu.UCSC.EDU
Bitnet: humtech at ucschu.bitnet
Uucp: ...!ucbvax!ucscc!ucschu!humtech

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