Calendar of UNIX-related Events

John S. Quarterman jsq at
Fri Jan 20 15:44:39 AEST 1989

From: jsq at (John S. Quarterman)

This is a combined calendar of planned conferences, workshops, or standards
meetings related to the UNIX operating system.  Most of this information
came from the various conference organizers, although some was taken from
;login: (USENIX), 13, 1, Jan/Feb 1988, ;login: 13, 6, Nov/Dec 1988,
CommUNIXations (/usr/group), VII, 6, Nov/Dec 1987, and the /usr/group UNIX
Resources Guide.  Further information from EUUG and European national
groups will be included.

If your favorite meeting is not listed, it's probably because I don't know
about it.  If you send me information on it, I will probably list it both
here and in the appropriate one of the companion articles:
        Access to UNIX User Groups
        Access to UNIX-Related Publications
        Access to UNIX-Related Standards

Changes since last posting: AMIX dates.  ICX89.  IETF.  NIST GOSIP Users'

            C   Conference
        G, MD   Gaithersburg, Maryland
            S   Symposium
            T   Tradeshow
            U   UNIX
          V.4   System V Release 4.0
            W   Workshop

USENIX, EUUG, AUUG and DECUS sponsor conferences of the same names;
/usr/group sponsors UniForum.

UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.

jsq at         John S. Quarterman           uunet!longway!jsq

89/01/19 pg. 2        Calendar of UNIX-Related Events         comp.std.unix

year mon days     conference            (sponsor,) (hotel,) location

1989 Jan 9-13     IEEE 1003             Embassy Suites, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 Jan 10-11    U in Gov. C&T         /usr/group/cdn, Ottawa, ON
1989 Jan 17       Terminal Int. Ext.    and Net. Serv. W, NBS, G, MD
1989 Jan 18-20    IETF                  IAB, U. Texas, Austin, TX
1989 Jan 25       U Interfaces Tutorial AMIX, Kfar Hamacabia, Israel
1989 Jan 26       Graph. User Interf. W AMIX, Kfar Hamacabia, Israel
1989 Jan 30-Feb 3 USENIX                Town and Country, San Diego, CA
1989 Feb 28-Mar 2 UniForum              Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
1989 Feb 28-Mar 3 U Convention          AFUU, Paris, France
1989 Mar 1-2      GOSIP Users' W        NIST, G, MD
1989 Apr 3-4      Software Man. W       USENIX, Hilton, New Orleans, LA
1989 Apr 3-7      EUUG                  Palais des Congres, Brussels, Belgium
1989 Apr 10-11    ANSI X3J11            Phoenix, AZ
1989 Apr 18-20    IETF                  IAB, (NASA, Kennedy Space Center, FL)
1989 Apr 18-20    IETF                  IAB, (PSC, Pittsburgh, PA)
1989 Apr 24-28    IEEE 1003             Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
1989 Apr 25-27    ISDN in Europe        IFIP-TC6, ICCC, The Hague, Netherlands
1989 Apr 26-29    Networking Forum '89  Sendai/Tokyo, Japan
1989 May          U 8x/etc C&T          /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
1989 May 8-12     DECUS S               Atlanta, Georgia
1989 May 14-16    AMIX                  Kfar Hamacabia, Israel
1989 May 16       POSIX Appl. W         NBS, G, MD
1989 May 25-28    ENA conference        Allentown, PA

1989 Jun          NZSUGI               New Zealand
1989 Jun          Italian U C          i2u, Italy
1989 Jun 12-16    USENIX               Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
1989 Jun 19-23    ICX89                USM, IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile
1989 Jul 10-12    13th JUS UNIX S      Tokyo
1989 Jul 10-14    IEEE 1003            San Francisco, CA
1989 Jul 26-28    IETF                 IAB, Stanford, Stanford CA
1989 Aug 8-11     AUUG                 Hilton Hotel, Sydney
1989 Sep 18-22    EUUG                 WU Wien, Vienna, Austria
1989 Sep 19-22    ACM SIGCOMM          Austin, TX
1989 Oct 5-6      Dist. Systems W      USENIX, Marriott Marina, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
1989 Oct 16-20    IEEE 1003            Brussels, Belgium
1989 Oct 31-Nov 2 IETF                 IAB, U. Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
1989 Nov 1-3      UNIX EXPO            Javits Conv. C, New York, NY
1989 Nov 6-10     DECUS S              Anaheim, California
1989 Nov 9-10     14th JUS UNIX S      Osaka
1989 Nov/Dec      Graphics W V         USENIX
1989 Dec 5-6      UNIX Fair '89        JUS, Tokyo

jsq at         John S. Quarterman           uunet!longway!jsq

89/01/19 pg. 3        Calendar of UNIX-Related Events         comp.std.unix

1990 Jan          U in Gov. C&T        Ottawa, ON
1990 Jan 22-26    USENIX               Washington, DC
1990 Jan 23-26    UniForum             Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1990 Jan 29       IEEE 1003            New Orleans, LA
1990 Feb 6-8      IETF                 IAB, (FSU, Talahassee, FL)
1990 Apr          IEEE 1003            Montreal, Quebec
1990 Apr 23-27    EUUG                 Munich, Germany (tentative)
1990 May          U 8x/etc C&T         /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
1990 May 2-4      IETF                 IAB, (U. Washington, Seattle, WA)
1990 May 7-11     DECUS S              New Orleans, LA
1990 Jun 11-15    USENIX               Marriott, Anaheim, CA
1990 Jul 31-Aug 2 IETF                 IAB, ?, not in North America
1990 Autumn       EUUG                 south of France

1991 Jan 21-25    USENIX               Dallas, TX
1991 Jan 22-25    UniForum             Infomart, Dallas, TX
1991 Feb          U in Gov. C&T        Ottawa, ON
1991 Spring       EUUG                 Tromso?, Norway (tentative)
1991 May          U 8x/etc C&T         Toronto, ON
1991 Jun 10-14    USENIX               Opryland, Nashville, TN

1992 Jan 20-24    USENIX               Hilton Square, San Francisco, CA
1992 Jan 21-24    UniForum             Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
1992 Spring       EUUG                 Jersey, U.K. (tentative)
1992 Jun 8-12     USENIX               Marriott, San Antonio, TX
1992 Autumn       EUUG                 Amsterdam, Netherlands (tentative)

1993 Jan          USENIX               northeast North America
1993 Mar 2-4      UniForum             Washington, D.C.

jsq at         John S. Quarterman           uunet!longway!jsq

Volume-Number: Volume 16, Number 4

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