HDB UUCP Not polling correctly?

Joseph E Poplawski jep at fantasci.UUCP
Sun Jan 1 02:28:16 AEST 1989

Hello.  I am running UNIX V.3 on an 80386 box.  I am running HDB on it as well.
I am having a serious problem in getting my system to poll correctly. I have the
file /usr/lib/uucp/Poll set up correctly as follows:

telesci	02 03 04 05 06 12 13 14 15 16 24 
ctdi1	01 24
maxie	04 05 09 24
tlxprs	01 02 24

There is a tab after every name and a space between each number.  The entries
in my root's crontab for uucp are:

#ident	@(#)adm:root	1.2
1,30 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.poll > /dev/null
41,11 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour > /dev/null
45 23 * * * ulimit 5000; /bin/su uucp -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.cleanup" > /dev/null 2>&1
48 8,12,16 * * * /bin/su uucp -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.admin" > /dev/null

Basically what the problem is is that my system will not poll any of the last
three sites at all, and will not always poll the first one.  It works for the
first one mostly between 12 and 24, but not all the time.  The only way I can
get it to poll any of the other sites is to manually start up the uucico.

This situation is getting pretty bad and hopefully someone out there will be
able to help me.  I would have added a copy of my uudemon.poll file, but I
think I would get in trouble for that.

Please E-Mail or post answers here... Any and all help greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

|  Joseph E Poplawski  (Jo)                   US Mail:  1621 Jackson Street   |
|                                                       Cinnaminson NJ 08077  |
|  UUCP:..!rutgers!rochester!moscom!telesci!fantasci!jep                      |
|       ..!princeton!telesci!fantasci!jep                                     |
|       ..!pyrnj!telesci!fantasci!jep           Phone:  +1 609 786-8099 home  |

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