LaTeX mailing lists

john s karabaic fuzzy%aruba.dnet at
Wed Jan 4 22:57:01 AEST 1989

I tried getting this to Mr Fuchs, but it got bounced back.
There are several, which are described in the attached directory.
You can get access to this directory via an anonymous FTP to  
The directory is split into seven files: netinfo:interest-groups-[1-7].txt,
which contain information on most (probably all) of the larger mailing lists.
Have fun.
   TeXHAX is for people interested in TeX and Metafont installation and 
   maintanance.  Notices of new versions/bug fixes are sent to this list, and 
   discussion of various CPUs and printers that people are interested in using
   with TeX is encouraged.
   Archives are kept on SU-SCORE (SCORE.STANFORD.EDU) in file:
   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions,
   etc., should be sent to TEXHAX-REQUEST at SCORE.STANFORD.EDU.
   Coordinator: Malcolm Brown <TEXHAX-REQUEST at SCORE.STANFORD.EDU>
   TeXMaG is an electronic magazine published by the Harvey Mudd College 
   Mathematics Department available free of charge to all interested parties 
   reachable by electronic mail.  It is published monthly, on the last weekend
   of each month, except when conditions prevent publication.  Article 
   submissions, contributions for the Toolbox, letters to the editor and 
   back-issue requests should be sent to 
   BitNet subscription requests should be sent to <DHOSEK at HMCVAX.BITNET> or 
   send the following interactive message to LISTSERV at BYUADMIN:
      SUBSCRIBE TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name
   European users may send the SUBSCRIBE command to LISTSERV at DEARN.  On JANET 
   requests should be sent to <ABBOTTP at UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL>, users on CDNnet 
   should send subscription requests to <list-request at ubc.csnet>,and others 
   should send mail to <DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>.
  ===========================  ==============================================  
||Lt John S. Karabaic        || arpanet:                                     ||
  ---------------------------   fuzzy%aruba.dnet at            ||
||Paper mail:                  ------------- --------------------------------  
||Bldg 22, Room S-108        || phones:     |"A large and liberal discontent:||
||AFWAL/TXI                  || 513 255 5800|These are the goods in life's   ||
||ASD AI Applications Office || 513 255 5537|   rich hand,/The things that   ||
||WPAFB, OH 45433-6543       || AV 785 5800 |are more excellent." Wm. Watson ||
  ===========================  ============= ================================
||               It's not just a job.  It's an indenture.                    ||
These opinions are mine and I cannot confirm or deny whether anyone else holds 

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