Directory not removed ... Help!

Paul De Bra debra at alice.UUCP
Fri Jan 6 02:03:46 AEST 1989

In article <287 at heurikon.UUCP> lampman at heurikon.UUCP (Ray Lampman) writes:
>I created a few hard-linked directories on a sun3 work station and, now,
>can't find any way to remove them. All of the directories are empty.
>Even root execution of rm and rmdir fails. Am I missing some obscure
>option to rm or rmdir? I've exausted my local resources, I think. Then
>again, I may just be blind. I hope not. :-) Thanks in advance, Ray.

Fsck never liked hard-linked directories... So you should never create them.
Some Unix systems luckily have a program /etc/unlink which should be able
to unlink anything that the unlink system call can unlink. (I think you
need /etc/link to create these bogus hard links too, anyway, it used to be
that way on an old System III system I once used.)

|debra at   | uunet!research!debra     |

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