KSH question about past directories

Jack Campin jack at cs.glasgow.ac.uk
Tue Jan 24 01:58:43 AEST 1989

dongre at optilink.UUCP (Sumit Dongre) wrote:
  Is there a way to track/recover the last few directories in ksh-i.
  I don't have source, I've written functions to help me do this...but
  I'm just wonderin' if ksh already tracks a list of directories other than
  the last one...someone told me that ksh has the capability to track up
  to 32 previous directories...but that's all I was told...

I wrote a few ksh functions to support a "working set" model of directories;
you have a cache of directories you can switch between with a "select" menu
interface, edit, save, and load.  I can post them here if people are
interested (I would have sent it to comp.sources.misc, but couldn't reach the
moderator by email).  About 7K, and 11K documentation (most of the
complication comes from handling directories with spaces in their names, which
we have a LOT of round here).

I have no idea what ksh-i is, so don't know if they'll work with it.

Jack Campin  *  Computing Science Department, Glasgow University, 17 Lilybank
Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND.    041 339 8855 x6045 wk  041 556 1878 ho
INTERNET: jack%cs.glasgow.ac.uk at nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk    USENET: jack at glasgow.uucp
JANET: jack at uk.ac.glasgow.cs     PLINGnet: ...mcvax!ukc!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!jack

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