Latex group and symbol question

NJITX::HXN8477 hxn8477%njitx.decnet at
Mon Jan 2 00:03:42 AEST 1989

>From: "Gill E. Fuchs" <gefuchs at wotan.uucp>
>Subject: LATEX news group?
>Date: 1 Jan 89 00:06:20 GMT
>Sender: usenet at
>Keywords: LATEX, symbols for deductive logic
>To:       info-unix at

>Is one LATEX NEWS GROUP in existance?  If so, how would one get to it?
>As i can't tell if one exists, i decided to post my question to the
>UNIX news group.

There are two TeX mailing lists (which include LaTeX of course) on the 
Internet. The first is TEXHAX which you can get on  an addition 
request to the moderator at: texhax-request at
The second you can get on by sending an add request to the moderator
at   unix-tex-request at
This is the method from the Internet anyway.  I am not sure if it is
the right subscription procedure form uucp.  However, send a message
to the moderators and see what they say.  There is also a very informative
TeX magazine, but I don't remember the address right now.

>  question:  how can one produce in latex a symbol that is used often
>             in the AND THEREFORE part of a deductive logic argument?
>             That symbol is a collection of 3 dots in a triangle (base
>             on the bottom side) following a slash?  The 3 dots is the
>             difficult part... :-)
>             in an enlarged view it would look (somewhat) like so:
>                     /  .
>                    /  . .

The solution to this is simple.  Insert the following code where you
want the triangular dot pattern to appear:
                    {\large .}\raisebox{10pt}{\large .}{\large .}
Depending on how big you want the dot, you can replace 'large' by
the desired size, e.g. small, Large, huge, Huge....etc.  Also you
can adjust the height of the apex dot by changing the value '10pt'
next to 'raisebox' above to the height you need.
   /  \  /\             
  /    \/  \  /\    
 /      \   \/  \                                         
/        \   \   \             
|Hamed Nassar               |Internet  : hxn8477%njitx.decnet at |
|EE Department              |UUCP      : bellcore!argus!mars!nancy           |
|NJ Institute of Technology |CompuServe: 74000,130                           |
|Newark, NJ 07102           |Fidonet   : 1:107/701                           |


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