tar help

Maarten Litmaath maart at cs.vu.nl
Sat Jul 1 02:21:00 AEST 1989

gefuchs at goedel.uucp (Gill E. Fuchs) writes:
\suppose i want to tar an entire accound into a tar file named
\then i type (at the ~ directory)
\	tar cvf GUGU.tar .
\but after sometime tar tars GUGU.tar recorsively upon itself,
\now i have tried all kinds of combinations with the X option for
\tar but to no avail, i guess i cannot milk the correct command out of
\the man pages

The man pages are somewhat unclear indeed.

	$ cat > excluded
	$ tar cvfX GUGU.tar excluded .
	$ tar cvXf excluded GUGU.tar .

Conclusively: the first file is for the first option (that needs a file)
and so on.
"I HATE arbitrary limits, especially when |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
   they're small."  (Stephen Savitzky)    |maart at cs.vu.nl, mcvax!botter!maart

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