Strangeness in shell

Peter da Silva peter at
Thu Jul 27 05:24:59 AEST 1989

In article <470 at glyph.UUCP>, nichiren at glyph.UUCP (Andy Heffernan) writes:
> For C-shell users, at least the * in the above command needs quoting
> against interpretation, and I guess the ! as well.  (Beats me, I just ^P.)

	% set nonomatch		# Don't complain about unmatched stuff
	% set histchars='%^'	# And forget about ! in paths.
	% uucp somewhere!~/get/* ~/get
	% %%:s/get/put/g
	uucp somewhere!~/put/* ~/put
	% []

I've used ksh history at 300 baud. I'll stick with csh.

The right place for ksh -type command line editing is in the terminal
driver or xterm!
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
Business: peter at, +1 713 274 5180. | "...helping make the world
Personal: peter at   `-_-' |  a quote-free zone..."
Quote: Have you hugged your wolf today?  'U`  |    -- hjm at

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