Finding words in paragraphs

John Lacey lacey at
Tue Jul 18 06:30:14 AEST 1989

In article <10545 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>In article <8421 at> lacey at (John Lacey) writes:
>>Awk is what you want in this case.  Try something like this:
>>	awk 'BEGIN { FS = ""; RS = "\n"} /the-word-here/' the-filename-here
> [A nice demonstration that this doesn't work.]

Yes, I mistyped the line.  It should be { FS = "\n"; RS = "" }.  I _did_
say "something like this" :-).

But, hey, Doug, why didn't you just post a fix to this? [ :-) ]  It's a 
simple typo, and you took the time to test it and post a demonstration
that it didn't work.  Anyhows, switching the values of the field and
record separators will fix this "code" right up.  Bythe, the default
values for Awk are FS = " ", and RS = "\n".


John Lacey           |  Internet:  lacey at
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"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent."  ---Wittgenstein

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