To curse or not to curse

vijay at bradley.UUCP vijay at bradley.UUCP
Wed Jun 7 03:24:00 AEST 1989

>Written  9:44 pm  Jun  4, 1989 by jules at iisat.UUCP
>/* ---------- "To curse or not to curse" ---------- */
>A friend of mine is converting some programs from Turbo Pascal 5.0 to
>work in Unix C.  He's having difficulty translating a Turbo Pascal
>function (getch ?) which reads in a character from the keyboard unechoed,
>and without waiting for a carriage return.  I told him to use curses and
>set cbreak() and noecho() modes.  He thinks he shouldn't have to invoke
>curses for such a simple task.  Is there another way to do this?  What
>is the best, most portable way to do it?
>Jules d'Entremont	Phone: 454-5631 (Home)  465-5535 (Office)

>Written 12:46 pm  Jun  5, 1989 by kucharsk at 
>Here's a program which demonstrates one way of doing things:
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <termio.h>
>    ...

Where is the file termio.h? It is not there in /usr/include.
I am using UNIX 4.3 BSD


  /    /                 E-mail: vijay at           I
 /    / *   *  ___               ...!uiucdcs!bradley!vijay   I
 /  /  /   /  /  /  /  / I===================================I
 //___/___/__/_\/__/__/  I "A duck walks in a drug store and 
         /           /   I  says. 'Give me a chapstick, and 
        /           /    I  put it on my bill!'" 
     __/         __/     I  - Judge Harry Stone, Night Court

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