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Subject: INFO-UNIX Digest V7#094
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Date: Wed, 31 May 89 02:46:22 EST
From: The Moderator (Mike Muuss) <Info-Unix-Request at BRL.MIL>
Subject: INFO-UNIX Digest V7#094
Message-ID: <8905310246.aa14584 at SEM.BRL.MIL>
INFO-UNIX Digest Wed, 31 May 1989 V7#094
Today's Topics:
Re: Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
void *a
finding the missing links
Re: sccs troubles
Re: void *a
Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Unix & accounting software
Re: Btree library
User accounts
Re: Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Re: naked SCCS really SCCS!
Reference Material on Unix internals?
Re: finding the missing links
Re: Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Re: Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Re: void *a
Re: Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Re: finding the missing links
From: "Randal L. Schwartz" <merlyn at agora.uucp>
Subject: Re: Lower->Upper in AWK (was: Re: cascading pipes in awk)
Date: 28 May 89 21:47:10 GMT
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <13921 at lanl.gov> dph at lanl.gov (David Huelsbeck) writes:
| From article <818 at manta.NOSC.MIL>, by psm at manta.NOSC.MIL (Scot Mcintosh):
| >
| > Unfortunately, I only want to uppercase a few selected portions of the
| > text my awk program is reading (my original posting contained a
| > very simplified example, so this wasn't obvious). There just doesn't
| > seem to be a way to have a filter program in the middle of two groups
| > of awk statements.
| I afraid your right. Perhaps nawk or gawk would help you but I
| really don't know enough about either one to say. However, you
| can, somewhat painfully, translate lower to upper or rot13 or
| whatever in plain old awk.
| Here is my solution to this problem along with a summary of solutions
| I recieved from other awkers when I posted asking for a better way.
| Sorry for the length but I felt that every different solution showed
| a unique and interesting approach that might be useful in solving other
| sorts of problems in awk.
[solution deleted]
Just get Perl. It is great for this, and best of all, it's free!
For example, to make variable "$foo" uppercase:
$foo =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
Just another Perl hacker (thanks Larry!)...
-- Randal L. Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095
quality software, documentation, and training at affordable rates
<merlyn at agora.hf.intel.com> ...!uunet!agora.hf.intel.com!merlyn
From: George Kyriazis <kyriazis at rpics>
Subject: void *a
Date: 30 May 89 05:22:56 GMT
Sender: usenet at rpi.edu
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
OK. Here is the program..
struct a {
void *pt;
} foo;
foo.pt = (void *) &foo;
The compiler complains that 'pt' is not defined, on ANY system I tried
it except the SUN. What's so special about suns and/or void * ???
Am I missing something?? By void * I mean some generic kind of pointer.
George Kyriazis
kyriazis at turing.cs.rpi.edu
kyriazis at rdrc.rpi.edu
From: Ron McDowell <rcm at flattop.uucp>
Subject: finding the missing links
Date: 30 May 89 02:53:45 GMT
Keywords: ln
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
At the risk of starting another 'RTFM' war, I'd like the answer to a simple
$ echo "hello world" > $HOME/xxx ; ln xxx /tmp/yyy ; ln xxx /usr/tmp/zzz
I do a 'ls -l /tmp' and see that yyy has 3 links. How can I find the other
two files?
Thanks in advance,
Ron McDowell @ Programming Consultants rcm at flattop.UUCP
4418 Monaco {uunet!dpmizar!petro | texbell}!flattop!rcm
San Antonio, Texas 78218-4339 +1 512 655-3716
From: Chris Lewis <clewis at ecicrl.uucp>
Subject: Re: sccs troubles
Date: 30 May 89 02:05:41 GMT
Followup-To: comp.lang.c
Keywords: ndir sccs access errors
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <784 at jonlab.UUCP> jon at jonlab.UUCP (Jon H. LaBadie) writes:
>I've recently begun using the BSD program called sccs, to interface
>to the sccs system. I've run into a defect using the "info" command
>that requests which files are currently open for editing. "sccs" always
>reports "Nothing being edited"!
>I've tracked the problem down to the fact that sccs is reading the wrong
>directory. It is using the current directory rather than the designated
>SCCS directory. Here is the situation:
[Further stuff on the bug.]
This may or not be your problem depending on how "sccs" is written, but
there is a bug (feature?!) in the version of ndir distributed with B-news.
It will *not* work recursively. If you nest opendir (ye olde recursive
directory scan algorithm), subsequent readdir's can be somewhat confusing.
The reason is that, while "opendir" does malloc and return a new structure
on each invocation, there is no attempt to malloc a new area for
readdir to return - there's precisely one statically allocated buffer.
dirp1 = opendir("foo");
dirp2 = opendir("foo2");
d1 = readdir(dirp1);
d2 = readdir(dirp2);
The d1 and d2 pointers point at the same place....
I have a version of ndir that has *this* particular bug fixed in the unlikely
event that anybody needs it. I didn't bother retrofitting the fix into
News because it doesn't matter to news - I was using these routines for
another program...
Chris Lewis, Markham, Ontario, Canada
Ferret Mailing list: ...!lsuc!gate!eci386!ferret-request
(or lsuc!gate!eci386!clewis or lsuc!clewis)
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil>
Subject: Re: void *a
Date: 30 May 89 07:15:09 GMT
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <5197 at rpi.edu> kyriazis at turing.cs.rpi.edu (George Kyriazis) writes:
>Am I missing something?? By void * I mean some generic kind of pointer.
What you're missing is that void* is a fairly recent innovation,
and many existing UNIX C compilers don't yet support it.
From: Paul V O'Neill <pvo at uther.cs.orst.edu>
Subject: Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Date: 30 May 89 05:47:47 GMT
Sender: usenet at CS.ORST.EDU
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
This reminds my of my longest, unanswered UN*X question.
Around day 1 of my exposure to UN*X I chanced upon the fortune(6) usage
blurb. It ended with the sentence:
Mail suggested fortunes to "fortune"
(Replicate with "/usr/games/fortune -" in SunOS 3.4, 3.5, 4.0 or 4.0.1)
I've learned a lot since then, and manage a few systems now, but I never
have figured out how to mail a fortune to fortune(6). (Only tried the
obvious--aliasing "fortune" to "|/usr/games/fortune" -- didn't work.)
Anybody got a clue?
Paul O'Neill pvo at oce.orst.edu
Coastal Imaging Lab
Corvallis, OR 97331 503-754-3251
From: mchawi at garnet.berkeley.edu
Subject: Unix & accounting software
Date: 30 May 89 08:11:52 GMT
Sender: usenet at agate.berkeley.edu
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
(I probably will get more flames than jo-jo's college fund)
I represent a group of intense c hackers out of UC Berkeley
on a very small shoestring who have set out to create the
best accounting software that exists. With that apology,
please forward this letter to the nearest accountant that
is staring at a Sun and wondering what to do with it:
Market Transaction System would like to introduce Prince.
Prince is an accounting system developed by MTS for owners of
Sun desktop computers. You may wonder why Prince. Here are reasons:
Prince is a good deal: Prince is $500, complete.
Prince is new technology: Engineered software - outrageously
efficient and flexible. Compute retained earnings dynamically.
This means that you never have to worry about end-of-month or
end-of-year closing and all the problems it creates. Add,
modify, or delete any journal entry, no matter what the transaction
date is. User-configurable subjournals. In the next version, we will
have real-time, automatic depreciation & amorization of assets.
We don't tell what the maximum accounts, or journal entries,
are for Prince. Because there are no maximums. The capabilities
of Prince are limited to the machine it resides on.
MTS supports Prince to the fullest: Professional help and no hidden
costs for add-on modules/upgrades. And we're working on it continuously.
Special offer: MTS will provide free upgrades to all future versions
and releases of Prince for the next year for all purchases by 6/15/89.
For more info, call or write; Ask for me, Greg Narizny. I'll be glad to
help you with any information about Prince, and how it can help you or
your business with money matters.
Gregory Narizny
Market Transaction System
6515 Telegraph Ave #1
Oakland, CA 94609
(415) 658-8878
From: Kevin O'Gorman <kevin at kosman.uucp>
Subject: Re: Btree library
Date: 29 May 89 16:00:06 GMT
Followup-To: comp.lang.c
Keywords: Btree C-isam C-tree db_vista B-Plus
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <868 at bimacs.BITNET> marmor at bimacs.BITNET (Eli Marmor) writes:
>to other OS's and machines, so we have to emulate Btrieve by
>another database library source (in C), because the original one was written
>in Assembly (8086).
>If there is another software, I'll be happy to hear about it.
>Please E-mail replies. I will summerize if interest arises. Thanks in
Sorry, e-mail from here to a bitnet address is totally hopeless.
You might want to check out the C/Database Toolchest (a modified B+tree
implementation, with C sources). It comes for a very low price (around
$US 20) and includes a bound manual of 365 pages.
Contact Mix Software Inc.,1132 Commerce Dr, Richardson, TX 75081.
I have purchased this thing myself, but have not had a chance to look
over the quality of results. The packaging and source code style are
pretty impressive. For the price, it may be worth just getting it.
That's how I felt.
From: "Lowell G. Wilson" <lwilson at umabco.uucp>
Subject: User accounts
Date: 30 May 89 14:45:34 GMT
Keywords: special characters
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
A friend of mine called and asked me if there was any reason why an
adminsitrator should stay away from special characters when creating
user accounts. Specifically, he wants to create some account names
which begin with a special character so that these particular accounts
will show up first when the names are run through a sort. The accounts
are only being used to forward mail. He has run some limited tests to
see if there are any problems and so far he's encountered none. Any
thoughts? Pitfalls he should be aware of?
If you'd rather not post your response, I will be glad to forward e-mail
to my friend. Or you can mail to him directly at
"...cvl!umlaw2!ggrabow". Thanks for any help you can offer...
Lowell Wilson : Sinecure III University of Maryland at Baltimore
Information Resources Mgt Division
UUCP: ...cvl!umabco!lwilson
From: Steve Dempsey <steved at longs.lance.colostate.edu>
Subject: Re: Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Date: 28 May 89 21:13:06 GMT
Sender: news at ccncsu.colostate.edu
Keywords: hosts.lpd
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <462 at crdgw1.crd.ge.com>, barnett at crdgw1.crd.ge.com (Bruce G. Barnett) writes:
> In article <568 at laic.UUCP>, root at nova (The Root of all evil) writes:
> You said it. the address root at nova.laic.uucp is nonsense.
> laic.uucp is not a domain.
Ditto. I didn't even try to mail because this address is bogus.
> >I am trying to set up a print queue from machine A that prints on
> >machine B. I do not want to put machine A into hosts.equiv on machine B.
> >Machine B is a Sun running SunOS 3.4. Is there a way to do this (such
> >as a filter that does rsh) or am I stuck?
> create the file /etc/hosts.print. Put a plus sign in it.
> echo "+" >/etc/hosts.print
> edit the file /usr/lib/lpd so that "/etc/hosts.equiv" is now "/etc/hosts.print"
Whoah! How about /etc/hosts.lpd? Did someone at SUN remove this
nice feature? The file contains names of hosts that you allow
printer access to.
> Bruce G. Barnett <barnett at crdgw1.ge.com>
Steve Dempsey, Center for Computer Assisted Engineering
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 +1 303 491 0630
INET: steved at longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu, dempsey at handel.CS.ColoState.Edu
UUCP: boulder!ccncsu!longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu!steved, ...!ncar!handel!dempsey
From: Ed Mackenty <mack at kurz-ai.uucp>
Subject: Re: naked SCCS really SCCS!
Date: 30 May 89 14:15:30 GMT
Followup-To: comp.unix.questions
Keywords: SCCS, SystemV, obnoxious_program
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <167 at cat.Fulcrum.BT.CO.UK> tjo at fulcrum.bt.co.uk (Tim Oldham) writes:
>In article <8218 at june.cs.washington.edu> ka at june.cs.washington.edu (Kenneth Almquist) writes:
>>OK, let's say you want to keep all your "s." and "p." files in a
>>subdirectory named sccs. Say
>> mkdir sccs # create the directory
>> admin -n sccs/s.file.c # create an SCCS file
>> ...
>Yuck. I prefer the idea of SCCS doing this stuff for you. ...
I agree, the SCCS interface should hide as much as it can from the user.
My model of a code control system is one in which the user knows nothing
about how the system works. They use a few commands with almost no options,
and always refer to g-file names (i.e., their own name for the file, not
SCCS's name). At this site, we implemented a layer on top of SCCS that
does this (and more). It also addresses the problems of many users working
on the same set of sources without interfering with each other. While it
works well for us, I would not wish it on anyone else. It has evolved over
a period of years, depends heavily on our local environment, and seems to
require at least one guru to administer it and help users understand it.
Maybe if we wrote some documentation... :-).
I haven't been following this discussion for very long (I just fixed our
news link, again), but I'd like to create a branch of this discussion on to
the subject of source code control in general. I've talked to several local
programmers from other companies to get ideas to put into our system and
they all say the same thing: "Code control? Well, we have these diskettes
with today's version of the product on them..." Does anyone out there use
a system like SCCS or RCS in a product development effort? What sorts of
problems have you run into? What solutions do you have? I could write
several pages about what we've encountered here, but this message is too
long already. If there is any interest, I'll write another message.
- MacK (developing programs for program development).
- MacK Edmund R. MacKenty
UUCP: kurz-ai!mack at talcott.harvard.edu
or: ...{uunet,rutgers,ames}!harvard!talcott!kurz-ai!mack
DISCLAIMER: But... I was off planet that week!
DEAD QUOTE: "And the politicians Throwing Stones."
From: usenet <usenet at umrisca.isc.umr.edu>
Subject: Reference Material on Unix internals?
Date: 30 May 89 00:54:13 GMT
Keywords: kernel
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
Does anyone have any information regarding the internals of the Unix
kernel? We are running BSD (AOS) 4.3 in IBM Mode on an RT PC. I am
specifically looking for information on things like the user structure,
process structure, how segments (data, text, stack) are mapped into
memory and how they may be accessed, etc. Please send E-Mail to the
above address. Thanks...
* You call this archaeology???? *
From: "Donald E. Hager" <hager at ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu>
Subject: Re: finding the missing links
Date: 30 May 89 17:57:31 GMT
Sender: news at deimos.cis.ksu.edu
Keywords: ln
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <207 at flattop.UUCP> rcm at flattop.UUCP (Ron McDowell) writes:
>At the risk of starting another 'RTFM' war, I'd like the answer to a simple
>$ echo "hello world" > $HOME/xxx ; ln xxx /tmp/yyy ; ln xxx /usr/tmp/zzz
>I do a 'ls -l /tmp' and see that yyy has 3 links. How can I find the other
>two files?
The other two files are xxx and zzz. Whenever you do a 'ln', it doesn't
create another copy of the file, but instead it "links" (or "points")
the file to the same inode. If you do an "ls -i $HOME/xxx /tmp/yyy
/usr/tmp/zzz" you will see that all the files have the same inode
number. I hope this helps.
Donald Hager (hager at ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu) | // // ===== // //
KSU Dept. of Computing & Information Sciences | // // //___ // //
BITNET: hager at KSUVAX1 | //=<< // // //
UUCP: {rutgers,atanasoff,texbell}!ksuvax1!hager | // // ===== ======
From: "Max Heffler @ Landmark Graphics" <max at jma.uucp>
Subject: Re: Request recommendation on debugging 'tutorials', dbx, adb etc.
Date: 30 May 89 18:22:15 GMT
Keywords: dbx adb debugging tutorials request
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <1989May29.170156.19637 at gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>, romwa at gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Royal Ontario Museum) writes:
> There is a book called "Debugging C" already on the stands.
> It was well received in a couple of reviews. Unfortunately,
> it is at home and I cannot remember the author's name.
Debugging C by Robert Ward
Que Corporation
Indianapolis, Indiana
ISBN 0-88022-261-1
This book is very good; however, it does not address several debuggers
mentioned in the original article (dbx, etc...)
Max Heffler uucp: ..!uunet!jma!max
Landmark Graphics Corp. phone: (713) 579-4751
333 Cypress Run, Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77094
From: Henry Troup <hwt at bnr-public.uucp>
Subject: Re: Is there an alternate method of remote printing?
Date: 30 May 89 18:32:57 GMT
Sender: news at bnr-fos.uucp
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
SunOS at least supports /etc/hosts.lpd, allowing hosts that you
don't trust to print. Is this standard BSD? or a useful Sun feature :^)
utgpu!bnr-vpa!bnr-fos!hwt%bnr-public | BNR is not | All that evil requires
hwt at bnr (BITNET/NETNORTH) | responsible for | is that good men do
(613) 765-2337 (Voice) | my opinions | nothing.
From: Chris Torek <chris at mimsy.uucp>
Subject: Re: void *a
Date: 31 May 89 00:26:30 GMT
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <5197 at rpi.edu> kyriazis at rpics (George Kyriazis) writes:
> void *pt;
>... The compiler complains that 'pt' is not defined, on ANY system I tried
>it except the SUN. What's so special about suns and/or void * ???
The systems you tried must be using a version of PCC (`Portable C
Compiler'). PCC, like many compilers for many languages, keeps track
not only of declared variables but also of undeclared variables, and
emits an error only on the first use:
main() {
i = 10; /* gets an error */
i++; /* says nothing */
j++; /* gets an error */
j = i; /* says nothing */
Through some oversight, when `void' was added to PCC, someone used a
type-code number that, combined with `pointer to', matched the special
value for `undeclared variable': `void *p' enters p into the symbol
table as a `complain about this undeclared variable' name.%
This bug is fixed in modern PCCs, including the ones on current Berkeley
% This is not exactly right, but is close enough for explanatory purposes....
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain: chris at mimsy.umd.edu Path: uunet!mimsy!chris
From: Chris Torek <chris at mimsy.uucp>
Subject: Re: Mail to fortune (Re: Why is fortune writing to the fortunes.dat file?)
Date: 31 May 89 00:32:43 GMT
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <10868 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> pvo at uther.CS.ORST.EDU
(Paul V O'Neill) writes:
-... fortune(6) usage blurb. It ended with the sentence:
- Mail suggested fortunes to "fortune"
-(Replicate with "/usr/games/fortune -" in SunOS 3.4, 3.5, 4.0 or 4.0.1)
-I've learned a lot since then, and manage a few systems now, but I never
-have figured out how to mail a fortune to fortune(6). (Only tried the
-obvious--aliasing "fortune" to "|/usr/games/fortune" -- didn't work.)
-Anybody got a clue?
The `fortune' alias on ucbvax forwards to Ken Arnold (see the AUTHOR
section of manual entry, unless it has been deleted by your vendor).
New fortunes are added manually, after approval.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain: chris at mimsy.umd.edu Path: uunet!mimsy!chris
From: David Elliott <dce at solbourne.com>
Subject: Re: finding the missing links
Date: 31 May 89 00:07:13 GMT
Keywords: ln
To: info-unix at sem.brl.mil
In article <2654 at erikb.cs.vu.nl> erikb at cs.vu.nl (Erik Baalbergen) writes:
>>I do a 'ls -l /tmp' and see that yyy has 3 links. How can I find the other
>>two files?
> find / -inum <inum> -links 3 -user <your user name> -print
>Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the device number to 'find' files.
>The combination of device and inode number uniquely determines a file within
>a (non-network-file-system) UNIX system. Perhaps we should equip any future
>'find' program with the "-dnum <dnum>" primary expression.
While it's a nice idea, it may not be necessary.
If you have 4.3BSD or a recent SunOS, your find command has the option
-xdev, which prevents it from looking at files in other filesystems
(hard links can't cross filesystems), so you can say
find <root of filesystem> -xdev -inum <inum> -print
To find the root of the filesystem, just use df on the file and
pipe the output through an awk or sed script to extract the name
(watch out for df printing long names, especially NFS filesystems,
since it will produce extra lines).
David Elliott dce at Solbourne.COM
End of INFO-UNIX Digest
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