PD Database for Masscomp MC-500

SJH music%moravian.edu at relay.cs.net
Thu Jun 22 07:25:49 AEST 1989

Our department is considering using a Masscomp 500 to catalog a collection
of 7K+ phonograph records, tapes, CD's, etc.  We are looking for a good
PD database (C source) that will run on MC-500 under Masscomp's Unix 4.0.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated (and is needed ASAP). 

I do not get newsfeeds so please reply directly to:

| Stephen J. Heller     | Moravian College, Music Dept.,  Bethlehem PA 18018 |
| Department of Music   | CSNET -> music at batman.moravian.edu                 |
| Music Technician      | UUCP  -> ...!rutgers!liberty!batman!music          |
| Phone - 215-861-1664  | INET  -> music%batman.moravian.edu at relay.cs.net    |

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