.signature files w/Pnews

Donald R Lloyd don at vax1.acs.udel.EDU
Tue Jun 6 14:10:23 AEST 1989

     I've been trying to use my .signature file for a while now, with no luck.  (I had to manually cat it together with this file to get it on this message,    which I composed before using Pnews).  Whenever I post to the net, it says      something like ".signature not added -- must be readable by inews".  I don't    know what it takes to make it readable by inews, but I've done everything from  shrinking it to 4 lines to chmod 777'ing it ( a DANGEROUS thing to do around    here).   What's the solution?

| ___________     Don Lloyd                     don at vax1.acs.udel.edu          |
| |Gibberish|     El Campeador                  don at pyr1.acs.udel.edu          |
| |   is    |     I'd give out my phone #,           (^^  occasionally)        |
| | spoken  |      but it's always busy anyway.                                |
| |  here.  |   DISCLAIMER: My employers are idiots.  They wouldn't understand || -----------      my babbling even if they WERE literate enough to read it.   |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (with my luck, the .sig will work this time & I'll have 2 signatures at          the end of this posting and half of unix-land laughing at me)

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