What is IDRIS ?

John Kellow kellow at ndcheg.cheg.nd.edu
Thu Mar 23 03:41:01 AEST 1989

Several months back I remember reading some postings about an operating
system called IDRIS, and now I need some information on it since we may be
purchasing a laboratory computer that uses IDRIS.  All that I know is
that IDRIS is a "unix-like" operating system and I was told (by a salesman)
that it is fully compatible with the latest standards.  Just how unix-like
is this system and what is its relation to System V and BSD unix?  If anyone
knows anything about this system or has used it firsthand, I'd appreciate any
comments that you might have.  Please email your respones, I won't post any
followups unless someone requests them since I can remember seeing this
discussion somewhere before.

John Kellow
kellow at ndcheg.cheg.nd.edu

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