Some csh how-to, please

SVS dje at
Tue Mar 28 23:47:00 AEST 1989

pklammer at pikes.Colorado.EDU (Peter Klammer) writes:
> Could someone please tell me how to read a file line at a time
> into the C shell?  Better yet, can you refer me to any good C-shell
> text.  So far my references are mere appendices in UNIX manuals with,
> "here's a table of equivalent Bourne and C shell commands..."; next to
> 'read' in the Bourne column is a blank in the C shell column.  THANKS!

Check the csh meta-variable $<, which (and I quote from man):

Substitutes a line from the standard input, with no further interpretation
thereafter.  It can be used to read from the keyboard in a shell script.

David Ellis
Digital Equipment Corporation -- BXB1-1/D03 
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