Dialing in and dialing out on the same line (AGAIN)
Ray Smith
rcsmith at anagld.UUCP
Wed Mar 8 03:23:00 AEST 1989
A while back I saw some traffic about dialing in and dialing out on the
same modem line. At the time it I wasn't interested becuase I had several
lines all running at 1200 baud. Well, now we have one 2400 baud modem
that everyone wants to use as a dialin in addition to using it as a
dialout for news and such. Would some kind sole please enlighten me as
to how to go about changing this critter back and forth between an
originating and a receiving modem.
System details: Gould PowerNode 6000 running UTX/32 V2.0U06 (4.3BSD) and
a Hayes 2400 Smartmodem.
Thanks in advance,
Ray Smith | ...!aplcen!\
Analytics, Inc. | ...!netsys!---anagld!rcsmith
Suite 200 | ...!sundc!-/
9891 Broken Land Parkway | ...!uunet!/
Columbia, MD 21046 | Voice: (301) 381-4300 Fax: (301) 381-5173
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