files recovery after rm?

Amos Shapira amoss at batata.Huji.AC.IL
Sun Nov 19 03:57:51 AEST 1989

>jlee at writes:

>Are there any programs in the unix world for recovering files right after
>they are removed by rm?
>Joseph Lee.                             Internet: jlee at

There is a package called undel for UNIX BSD posted on comp.sources.unix
some while ago (29 Mar '89). Here's the data of the article and the intro
from it's first part (out of 6 parts):
Submitted-by: Jonathan I. Kamens <jik at PIT-MANAGER.MIT.EDU>
Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 73
Archive-name: undel/part01

[  This will need a bit of work to run under non-BSD.  It's also
   probably going to be the LAST safe-rm/unrm/whatever posting
   I approve, except for patches.  --r$  ]

This archives contains the sources for five programs (well, actually,
four, since one is a symbolic link):

The programs were written at Project Athena in response to the problem
which many novice Unix users have with accidentally deleting files
they didn't want to delete (Hell, I've done it :-).

I am already aware of quite a few improvements I could make in the
code (I am fairly certain that there are better regexp matching
libraries *and* better directory searching libraries I could be
using.), and I will be making them as soon as I am done with my
current project.  I would appreciate hearing any suggestions you may
have and/or accepting any patches you wish to submit :-)


Hope that helps,
- Amos Shapira
Israel Air Force

amoss at batata.bitnet
amoss at

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