Can not mail off-site, RTFM not much help

Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Thu Nov 23 18:59:07 AEST 1989

In article <1989Nov19.010922.16977 at> tale at (David C Lawrence) writes:
|You should be very careful, however, in mixing ! and @ style addresses.
|There is no universally accepted standard (of which I am aware; I am
|sure someone will flame me if I am wrong) regarding precedence.  The
|only operator used with third-party mailing in @ addresses is "%".
|Though many sites understand the above address and will process it as
|Jean-Francois describes, other will (not necessarily incorrectly, since
|there is no precedence rule) attempt to route the mail through attcan
|to utzoo, expecting it to be sent to henry at  If the site
|on the rhs of the @ knows where the UUCP site is which you are tring to
|reach (as in Jean-Francois's second example) you are probably safer
|using %-style notation -- henry%ytzoo.UUCP at


	Like many uucp sites, I use "smail" in its
	guise as "rmail". When it resolves an address
	with a "%" sign in it, such as (for my system)
	"someone%somesite at becker", it proceeds to look
	for the user "someone%somesite" on this machine.
	Of course this doesn't exist so it bounces.

	I know there is a patch for this, which I will
	sometime install, but the point is that a lot
	of uucp sites run vanilla smail with this result.
	"%" is *not* universally understood!

   ^^ 	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ont.
w \**/	 Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at
 `/v/-e	 BitNet:   BECKER at HUMBER.BITNET
_/  >_	 Ceci n'est pas une |    - Rene Macwrite

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