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Received: by; id AA22976; Sat, 18 Nov 89 02:38:57 -0800
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Date: 18 Nov 89 04:26:00 MDT
From: info-unix at BRL.MIL
Subject: INFO-UNIX Digest V8#120
To: "omalley" <omalley at hotair>
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Date: Sat, 18 Nov 89 02:46:10 EST
From: The Moderator (Mike Muuss) <Info-Unix-Request at BRL.MIL>
Subject: INFO-UNIX Digest V8#120
Message-ID: <8911180246.aa05726 at SEM.BRL.MIL>
INFO-UNIX Digest Sat, 18 Nov 1989 V8#120
Today's Topics:
Re: Import variables in to awk.
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Using "getpwent" in SYSV/386
Re: matrix invert routine
Re: Prompt as Current Directory?
Re: Import variables in to awk.
Re: matrix invert routine
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Using ftp non-interactively
Re: tr
Re: Quiet background proc. in CSH
Re: export vars from cshell script?
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Re: Prompt as Current Directory?
Re: core files under SV
Re: files recovery after rm?
Re: Using "getpwent" in SYSV/386
Re: Quiet background proc. in CSH
Re: the 10% factor
Re: spell..adding new words
Re: tr
Re: the 10% factor (making swap files)
When is GNU OS coming out?
Pass environment through rlogin
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Re: Looking for IEEE Floating Point Test Suite
CPU time limit on an entire process group?
UNIX conferences in 1990 List?
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Looking for MUSBUS
Changing upper-case filenames to lower-case
Re: vi editor enhancement request
Can not mail off-site, RTFM not much help
Re: export vars from cshell script?
Re: vi editor enhancement request
From: Gunter Steinbach <steinbac at>
Subject: Re: Import variables in to awk.
Date: 15 Nov 89 17:22:03 GMT
To: info-unix at
> / hpl-opus:comp.unix.questions / warner at (Byron Warner)
> / 1:15 pm Nov 14, 1989 /
> My questions is how do you import csh variables into an awk script.
> [ deleted ]
> awk -F: -f foo /etc/passwd import='hello
The variable assignment has to come before the input file name.
Guenter Steinbach | hplabs!gunter_steinbach
| gunter_steinbach at
From: ir239 <ir239 at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 17 Nov 89 08:27:27 GMT
Keywords: vi display emacs
To: info-unix at
In article <7008 at> dstewart at (David B Stewart) writes:
>But Don't start telling me all the advantages, I'm sure I've heard
>them all from my emacs-fanatic office mate).
Any and every 'vi' user has had at least one of these. Oh well,
to each his own.
>The funniest thing is that when my office mate was forced to install
>a new system, he had to learn 'vi' just to be able to set up the system
>and install Emacs. So much for Emacs being "universal"!
Imagine how much fun he'd have if he couldn't mount his /usr
directory -- it's happened, don't laugh. No 'emacs', no 'vi',
no 'ex'. THEN he get's to learn 'ed', so he can install 'vi',
to ease the pain of installing the "universal" 'emacs'.
For the record, I use the available editor with which I am most
comfortable. On most systems this is 'vi', but it's not always
there. Some "hard-cores" think everyone should start with 'ed'
-- so they better understand regular expressions. Some
"innovationists" think every new editor should become the de
facto standard. Who cares? You can make 'emacs' work like 'vi'
and you can "doll-up" 'vi' to look like 'emacs' -- if you know
the right tricks. Why bother?
Now, if you want to discuss versions of Rogue, or the relative
merits of Rogue vs. Hack . . .
#include <disclaimer.std.h>
Geoffrey R. Walton
ir239 at <--for now; new net address under construction
a guest of, but no longer affiliated with, the Dept. of Literature
Never deny an idiot another opportunity to prove it.
From: Mike Israel <mikei at ctdi.uucp>
Subject: Using "getpwent" in SYSV/386
Date: 16 Nov 89 19:36:20 GMT
Keywords: C getpwent
To: info-unix at
I have a question regarding the use of the "C" function
"getpwent" under AT&T's Unix SYSV/386 Release 3.2.
This particular version of Unix stores encrypted passwords
in a file called /etc/shadow. The standard /etc/password field
for the encrypted password simply contains an 'x'. Using
"getpwent" simply retrieves this 'x'.
Is there an existing function to access the encrypted password?
Michael A. Israel || uucp: mikei at ctdi.UUCP
|| ...!uunet!cbmvax!ctdi1!ctdi
Communications Test Design Inc. ||
West Chester, PA || I think therefore I am confused.
From: Richard O'Keefe <ok at>
Subject: Re: matrix invert routine
Date: 17 Nov 89 10:17:43 GMT
Sender: news at
Keywords: TRANSPOSING in the shell
To: info-unix at
In article <6979 at convex.UUCP>, tchrist at convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) writes:
> This is a nice example of using small, dedicated UNIX tools to do your job.
> It is also a good example of why doing this is terribly slow.
> Here's [a] perl version. It's bit more general than the sh version
> because it doesn't have to be hacked to work for different sized
> matrices or different files, but does basically the same thing:
> This is not a great test because of the resolution. Let's
> try it on [a 10 by 10 matrix.] [The result is] more than 7.3x the real,
> 1.6x the user, and 22x on system ... on a Convex-C1. ... 'Nuff said.
> shell cut 6.6 real 0.8 user 4.4 sys
> perl 0.9 real 0.5 user 0.2 sys
Not _quite_ enough said. I timed three versions of this in the Bourne
shell on a discless Sun-3/50 serving off an Encore.
echo `cut` 7.1 real 1.4 user 4.1 sys
read|sort|read 2.8 real 0.6 user 1.0 sys
read|nsort|read 1.9 real 0.4 user 0.7 sys
echo `cut` : the version Christiansen criticised
read|sort|read : copy the file as <colno><linemark><item> using a
while read ... loop, sort the result using sort(1),
flatten the result using another while read ... loop.
(Transposing by sorting is old hat, and while read is
the standard way to read things in the shell.)
read|nsort|read : same as above, except using a faster sort program.
Given the difference in I/O systems, we can't compare the times of the
two machines. What we _do_ notice is that a different shell program
using out-of-the-box SysV stuff ran twice as fast as the version that
Christiansen criticised, and that simply plugging in a faster version
of one of the standard commands chopped another third off the time.
To compare _one_ shell program with _one_ Perl program tells us little
about either the shell or about Perl.
From: matt robinson <yakker at>
Subject: Re: Prompt as Current Directory?
Date: 17 Nov 89 07:46:23 GMT
Followup-To: yakker at
To: info-unix at
==>In article <Nov. at>
==>broadman at (Alan Broadman) writes:
==>How can you get the UNIX prompt to always reflect the path to the
==>current directory.
This is our school's method (Recipe #3,402) :-) It also includes
the path, username, and current history (for csh.) Hope this
# Setting the Prompt and Changing Directories.
set hostname = `hostname`
set username = `whoami`
set fromname = `who am i | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/^.*\\\!//'`
if ("$fromname" != "$username") then
set username="$username"' ('"$fromname"')'
alias heyyou 'set prompt = "$hostname : $username : `pwd`\\
\! >"'
set prompt = "$hostname : $username : `pwd`\
\! >"
a cd 'cd \!*;heyyou'
a pushd 'pushd \!*;heyyou'
a popd 'popd;heyyou'
P.S. You should have read the newusers newsgroup before posting this...
Makes life easier on all of us.
yakker at | Matt Robinson, University of California at Riverside
..!ucsd!ucrmath!yakker | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
From: Rich Scott <richsc at>
Subject: Re: Import variables in to awk.
Date: 16 Nov 89 16:41:57 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <15919 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
>In article <10531 at> warner at (Byron Warner)
>>My questions is how do you import csh variables into an awk script.
>>for example if I have a file called foo, which contains:
>> print import,$0
>>and I issue the command
>>awk -F: -f foo /etc/passwd import='hello
>>why do I get just a list of logins?
Well, apparently awk wants its 'imported' variables specified on
the command line *before* the datafile(s), but this isn't obvious from the
manual page. Someone here told me that the argument parsing may not be done
correctly. Anyway, on my system, which runs SunOS3.5, I get the desired effect
(using csh) by doing: awk -F: -f foo import='hello' /etc/passwd
(This is running the 4.2 or 4.3 BSD 'awk'; I can't speak for the "new" awk.)
> First of all, I have never known the C-shell to allow the syntax
>"foo=bar" on a command-line to import a variable into a program. C
>shell doesn't have anything like that.
Umm, I don't think it's up to the shell in this case to do
anything with it; it's simply an argument to the program. Perhaps Byron,
if he really wants to import a C-shell variable into awk, should do:
hostname% setenv VAR='hello'
hostname% awk -F: -f foo.awk import=$VAR /etc/passwd
The first example doesn't set any C-shell variables.
rich scott rls at
interactive systems corporation voice: (800) LAI-UNIX x255
(formerly lachman associates) naperville, il, usa
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist at>
Subject: Re: matrix invert routine
Date: 10 Nov 89 17:49:16 GMT
Sender: usenet at convex.uucp
Keywords: perl version
Organi~ation: CONVEX Software Development, Richardson, TX
To: info-unix at
In article <1989Nov9.233341.14788 at> bzs at (Barry Shein) writes:
|>I have "spreadsheet-like" data that looks like this:
|> a1 b1 c1
|> a2 b2 c2
|> a3 b3 c3
|>and I want to get it in a form like:
|> a1 a2 a3
|> b1 b2 b3
|> c1 c2 c3
|Assume you have 3 columns as shown:
| #!/bin/sh
| cp /dev/null outfile| for i in 1 2 3
| do
| cu| -f$i datafile | tr '\012' '\011' >> outfile
| echo '' >> outfmle
| end
| ed - outfile <<'EOF'| 1,$s/.$//
| w| q
I hal to change the &end" to "done" ,too much csl, barry? :-)
and add "-d' '" to the cut line to make this work. This is a nice
example of using small, dedicated UNIX tools to do your job. It
is also a good example of why doing this is terribly slow.
Here's the perl version. It's bit more general than the sh version
because it doesn't have to be hacked to work for different sized
matrices or different files, but does basically the same thing:
$[ = 1; # array should start at 1 not 0
while (<>) {
$cols = $#_ if $#_ > $cols;
for ($j = 1; $j <= $#_; $j++) {
$matrix{$rows,$j} = $_[$j];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; $j++) {
print $matrix{$j,$i}, " ";
print "\n";
Here are the timings for the original dataset. I ran both tests
twice to get everything in memory. All timings were run on a Convex-C1.
% /bin/time
2.2 real 0.2 user 1.6 sys
% /bin/time xpose.perl < mat > outfile
0.4 real 0.0 user 0.2 sys
That's of 5.5 times longer on real time, call it twice as long system,
and 8 times as long on system for the sh version.
This is not a great test because of the resolution. Let's
try it on this dataset:
% cat mat2
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Now I'll go hack on to make it work for square matrices of
order 10 (and coming from file mat2 not mat) and rerun the timings.
% /bin/time
6.6 real 0.8 user 4.4 sys
% /bin/time xpose.perl < mat2 > outfile
0.9 real 0.5 user 0.2 sys
That's more than 7.3x the real, 1.6x the user, and 22x on system
time for the sh version.
'Nuff said.
Tom Christiansen {uunet,uiucdcs,sun}!convex!tchrist
Convex Computer Corporation tchrist at convex.COM
"EMACS belongs in <sys/errno.h>: Editor too big!"
From: "Jonathan I. Kamens" <jik at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 16 Nov 89 20:07:17 GMT
Sender: daemon at
Keywords: vi display emacs
To: info-unix at
In article <20668 at> yahoo at (Kenneth L
Moore) writes:
>The big deal though is that emacs is "universal". We currently have 3
>versions of emacs (that I know of) one on the VAX, one on our Ultrix and
>one on our Suns. I currently switch from machine to machine with very
>little difficulty. Caveat: A few of the commands are slightly
Emacs is "universal"? Two questions about this:
1. Why is emacs more universal than vi, if different versions of emacs
have different command sets, while vi is almost completely (I don't
want to say 100% because I'm not a vi user, so don't know for sure)
identical across platforms.
2. Why is emacs more universal than vi, if emacs is NOT shipped by
default with most Unix systems, while vi IS shipped by default with
most (if not all -- anybody here work on a system that doesn't have
vi :-) Unix systems?
If you're going to cite being "universal" as a reason to choose a
particular editor, I'd say vi has emacs beat quite soundly in that
One more question:
3. Why do you have different versions of emacs on your VAX, Ultrix and
Sun machines is GNU emacs will compile for all of them?
>It is difficult to change editors but in this case it is worth it. IMHO.
Now *this* I agree with :-)
Jonathan Kamens USnail:
MIT Project Athena 11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU Allston, MA 02134
Office: 617-253-8495 Home: 617-782-0710
From: Ellen F Quaadgras <equaad at>
Subject: Using ftp non-interactively
Date: 16 Nov 89 17:59:03 GMT
Sender: daemon at
To: info-unix at
I am trying to find a way to invoke ftp on the command line, as in the
ftp "somewhere" "accountname" "password" "command"
where command could be anything from "ls" to "get file".
I've tried piping the necessary information into ftp but it gets stuck
on the password. I'm working with MS-DOS on an IBM AT. If anybody has
an idea about how to do this, or knows of a program already written, I
would be thrilled to hear from you. Please email, and I can post any
results to the net later. Thank you!!!!
From: "Jonathan I. Kamens" <jik at>
Subject: Re: tr
Date: 16 Nov 89 20:23:31 GMT
Sender: daemon at
Keywords: tr ascii
To: info-unix at
No, the 'tr' command is not capable of changing a single character
in the input to multiple characters of output.
You could probably do it really easily in perl, though :-)
Just another person who is amused by all the perl hackers but hasn't
gotten around to learning perl himself,
Jonathan Kamens USnail:
MIT Project Athena 11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU Allston, MA 02134
Office: 617-253-8495 Home: 617-782-0710
From: Maarten Litmaath <maart at>
Subject: Re: Quiet background proc. in CSH
Date: 17 Nov 89 12:17:35 GMT
Keywords: quiet, "&", c-shell
To: info-unix at
In article <4491 at> wiml at (William Lewis) writes:
\ I've written a shell script (in C shell; it's a .login script) that
\invokes a couple of background pipes. The pipes work fine but when they
\finish, they print a
\ [1] Done ( blah blah very long pipe here ... )
\ message. Is there any way to get rid of this message? Preferably a way
\that would also get rid of the
\ [1] 5628
\ message as well, [...]
You could put the pipelines in a separate script:
% cat .login
background_script < /dev/null >& /dev/null
% cat background_script
#!/bin/csh -f
pipeline_1 &
pipeline_2 &
If your `background_script' could be written just as easily in Bourne shell
% cat background_script
pipeline_1 &
pipeline_2 &
) &
...which gives control back to .login faster.
[...] like a roving gang. "Ah, here's a NEW almost-empty group to post train
schedules and core dumps in!" (Joe Buck) | maart at, mcsun!botter!maart
From: Perry Hutchison <perry at ccssrv.uucp>
Subject: Re: export vars from cshell script?
Date: 17 Nov 89 02:56:54 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <1815 at> heidi at (Heidi Johnson)
>Is there an equivalent in the Cshell to the Bourne shell's export
>facility? We have would like to define new environment variables in a
>shell, and have them be known to subsequent processes.
There is not an exact equivalent, but similar functionality is available.
In Bourne shell, all variables are set with "=" and those which are to be
placed in the environment are "export"ed. In C shell, variables created
with "setenv" are placed in the environment while those created with "set"
are private.
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 17 Nov 89 17:05:51 GMT
Keywords: vi display emacs
To: info-unix at
In article <15948 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU>, jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
> 1. Why is emacs more universal than vi, if different versions of emacs
> have different command sets, ...
(1) EMACS runs on DECsystem-10s, and lots of other non-UNIX systems.
There are flavors of EMACS for personal computers, even the Apple II.
(2) The basic default key bindings are practically the same across all
versions of EMACS. ^F goes forward a character, ^N goes down a line, etc.
One can cutomize his own use of many flavors of EMACS via .emacsrc-like
files, and there is even a "vi" emulation available for some EMACS.
(The converse is impossible => EMACS is more universal in a third sense.)
> 2. Why is emacs more universal than vi, if emacs is NOT shipped by
> default with most Unix systems, while vi IS shipped by default with
> most (if not all -- anybody here work on a system that doesn't have
> vi :-) Unix systems?
Serious UNIX houses generally provide some local flavor of EMACS in
addition to whatever is shipped by system vendors, and of course you
can get GNU EMACS for free. We've had at least five flavors of EMACS
here, one of which we selected years ago to officially support lab-wide.
> 3. Why do you have different versions of emacs on your VAX, Ultrix and
> Sun machines is GNU emacs will compile for all of them?
Why not? Is it a problem, or what?
> >It is difficult to change editors but in this case it is worth it. IMHO.
> Now *this* I agree with :-)
Me, too, except I would go further and say that the TYPICAL user would
be better served by an editor like "sam". I reserve EMACS for special
circumstances, and "vi" only when there is no better choice.
The main thing "better" about EMACS over "vi" is that EMACS is modeless.
Experience (backed by some of the usual silly academic "studies") has
shown that modeless interactive editing is overall more effective than moded.
From: Chris Newbold <ctne_ltd at>
Subject: Re: Prompt as Current Directory?
Date: 17 Nov 89 16:09:01 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <Nov. at> broadman at (Alan Broadman) writes:
>I have a (hopefully) simple question. How can you get the UNIX prompt
>to always reflect the path to the current directory. Such a prompt
>would change with each 'cd ' command. In MS-DOS this is done by the
>command : 'prompt $P'. I think this would be most helpful, as
>otherwise, the prompt string is quite useless.
I tried to do the same thing, too. Under Unix, however, it's a little
cludgy. The problem I encounted when trying to insert the cwd variable into
the prompt string was that csh would always evaluate it *before* assigning
the prompt variable, resulting in a prompt that would display the current
directory at the time of startup. The only way I found to get around it
was to use an alias to change directories and then change the prompt. Try
alias cd 'chdir \!*; set prompt = "$cwd % "'
Hope this helps.
>>>> Chris Newbold <<<< * "If you fool around with a thing for very long you *
University of Rochester * will screw it up." *
Disclaimer: "All warranties expire upon payment of invoice."
ctne_ltd at *!ctne_ltd at uunet
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at>
Subject: Re: core files under SV
Date: 17 Nov 89 18:42:51 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <29843 at> bobmon at (RAMontante) writes:
>Um, I don't see why this "reaps the zombies".
Finally, we found a way to tell who's a UNIX wizard!
Hint: after the child terminates, who is the parent of the grandchild?
(Yes, there is one..)
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at>
Subject: Re: files recovery after rm?
Date: 17 Nov 89 18:45:45 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <3914 at> bink at (Greg Ubben) writes:
>See flame above about posting wrong answers to "relatively basic subjects".
>> 1. Somewhere in the process of creating the file, the open() function [...]
>It's *called* creat() (usually), and it's a system call.
Hm, should we flame this flame of a flame, or should we just point out
that Greg is behind the times?
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at>
Subject: Re: Using "getpwent" in SYSV/386
Date: 17 Nov 89 18:48:28 GMT
Followup-To: comp.unix.i386
Keywords: C getpwent
To: info-unix at
In article <785 at ctdi.UUCP> mikei at ctdi.UUCP (Mike Israel) writes:
-This particular version of Unix stores encrypted passwords
-in a file called /etc/shadow. The standard /etc/password field
-for the encrypted password simply contains an 'x'. Using
-"getpwent" simply retrieves this 'x'.
-Is there an existing function to access the encrypted password?
NO, that's the whole point of having /etc/shadow.
From: William Lewis <wiml at>
Subject: Re: Quiet background proc. in CSH
Date: 17 Nov 89 20:14:54 GMT
Keywords: quiet, "&", c-shell
To: info-unix at
Last night I poasted a question, asking how to quietly invoke
background processes in a CSH script. This morning I already had three
answers (two the same), so I'm posting this to hopefully stave
off a flood. The two answers were:
1. Put the background stuff in a separate script, and redirect
stdout from the shell.
2. (better, IMHO) Use parentheses to put the pipeline in a
subshell (?), and put the '&' INSIDE the parentheses. Works
like a charm! Ie, ( cat | awk | grep & ) instead of
( cat | awk | grep ) &.
Thanks for all the fast responses...
--- phelliax
wiml at (206)526-5885 Seattle, Washington
From: Dave Hitz <hitz at>
Subject: Re: the 10% factor
Date: 17 Nov 89 18:58:33 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <21436 at adm.BRL.MIL> MATHRICH at (Rich Winkel UMC Math Department) writes:
> I understand that allowing bsd filesystems to exceed 90% of their
> capacity results in a significant reduction in performance. This makes
> a certain amount of sense to me, at least when files are being created,
> deleted or appended to. However, I've been told this is also true of
> static filesystems. For instance, if I have a 20MB partition set aside
> for an nfs client's swap activity, I can't utilize the entire 20MB for
> the swap file, I'm supposed to leave 10% unused to avoid a performance
> impact, eve though the swap file's size is unchanging. Is this true?
> Could someone explain this to me?
Here's a shot.
The problem is that as a file grows on a mostly full partition, the
block immediately following the last one in the file is generally not
available. Even on almost empty files this is always a possibility,
but statistically it turns out that only as the filesystem passes 90%
full does this problem become nasty.
Once blocks for a file are allocated in a bad order, it doesn't matter
if the filesystem is static or not. If you read that file
sequentially, the disk will have to seek all over the place to get the
blocks. So even for static filesystems, some limit probably still
makes sense. (You might try creating known rarely used files last, and
crank up utilization to 100%.)
Now the question about swap is interesting. When you create a swap
file using mkfile(8), it allocates disk blocks when the file is
created. If you create a 20 MB swap file in an otherwise empty 20 MB
partition, the block allocation would probably be quite good because
there would be no conflict with smaller chuncks of space being
allocated in other files. If you want more than one swap file per partition,
that would probably work also, but make sure *not* to run the mkswap's in
parallel. Do them one after the other. (And don't use the -n option which
would defeat the whole point of getting the blocks nicely allocated at
create time.)
Dave Hitz home: 408-739-7116
UUCP: {uunet,mips,sun,bridge2}!auspex!hitz work: 408-492-0900
From: rick at tse.uucp
Subject: Re: spell..adding new words
Date: 17 Nov 89 14:27:26 GMT
Keywords: spell spellin hashcheck RTFM
To: info-unix at
In article <11615 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>In article <1628 at novavax.UUCP> rwright at novavax.UUCP (Ronald K. Wright) writes:
>>Perhaps excesses as a youth dithered my brain; but all of TFM's that I
>>have read do not explain how to add words to spell's idea of correct
>System V flavors of "spell" support local word lists; RTFM again.
>For older flavors, you may have to add the words to the "local"
>file found in the source directory for the "spell" utility and
>perform a "make install" (which will run "spellin" and copy the
>resulting hash list file to the needed place).
>>Spell even in its most primative form would be helpful to me if I
>>could get it to expand its vocabulary.
>What do monkeys have to do with this?
>>Perhaps someone could explain it to me, try to use simplistic terms. ;-)
>Basically, either use System V "spell" or give your word list to
>your system administrator and ask that he add them to the supported
>word list for "spell".
... or what you might want to do is come up with an alias something like
(off the cuff but should work):
alias spell "spell \!* | fgrep -v -f mywordlist"
where the file mywordlist is a list of words (one per line) that you don't
want spell to match
Rick Yazwinski (geac!tse!rick) | Sarete liberi dalla schiavitu`!
Advanced Systems Division | E cosi diverrete tutti liberi!
The Toronto Stock Exchange | Pero uomini e donne
| Sarete tutti nudi, per fino.
From: Sun Visualization Products <matthew at sunpix.uucp>
Subject: Re: tr
Date: 17 Nov 89 17:38:36 GMT
Keywords: tr ascii
To: info-unix at
In article <15949 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
} No, the 'tr' command is not capable of changing a single character
}in the input to multiple characters of output.
} You could probably do it really easily in perl, though :-)
} Just another person who is amused by all the perl hackers but hasn't
}gotten around to learning perl himself,
}Jonathan Kamens USnail:
}MIT Project Athena 11 Ashford Terrace
}jik at Athena.MIT.EDU Allston, MA 02134
}Office: 617-253-8495 Home: 617-782-0710
True, but this particular problems can be handled by AWK also.
awk '{printf ("%s\r\n", $0)}' $*
[Note: code written on the fly, and untested - but should work]
Matthew Lee Stier |
Sun Microsystems --- RTP, NC 27709-3447 | "Wisconsin Escapee"
uucp: sun!mstier or mcnc!rti!sunpix!matthew |
phone: (919) 469-8300 fax: (919) 460-8355 |
From: Edward Vielmetti <emv at>
Subject: Re: the 10% factor (making swap files)
Date: 17 Nov 89 19:57:24 GMT
Sender: news at
To: info-unix at
Dave Hitz's article refers to creating swap files with mkfile
(this is on a sun at least) and recommends not to use the -n
option since that will lead to fragmented swapfiles.
That's fine but -- space is a bit tight here, & various people
use their machines differently. I'd really like to give most
people on diskless 4m 3/50's a 16M swap file that has say
8M pre-allocated & filled w/whatever it takes to swap nicely,
and leave the other 8M to grow dynamically just in case
someone manages to need it.
I don't see a way to do it with the tools provided, -- does
this approach make sense, & what would it take to do it ?
From: Bill Fuller <fuller at kadsma.uucp>
Subject: When is GNU OS coming out?
Date: 17 Nov 89 19:45:30 GMT
Sender: The Devil Himself <daemon at ektools>
To: info-unix at
For a long time, there were a large number of articles on proposed
features for GNU OS. Does anyone know what the status of GNU OS is as of
today? Will it be released next year? Are they looking for alpha testers?
All info is welcome.
Bill F.
From: Lite Lin <lin at>
Subject: Pass environment through rlogin
Date: 17 Nov 89 21:30:47 GMT
To: info-unix at
I have a simple question. I understand that if I 'rlogin' to another host,
certain environment variables, such as TERM and maybe something else, will
be copied over to the new host, but I'm wondering whether I can pass on
other information to the new host as well, such as an environment variable
defined by myself. Any response will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
-- Declaration of Independence
From: Pete Holsberg <pjh at mccc.uucp>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 17 Nov 89 14:59:11 GMT
Keywords: vi display
To: info-unix at
In article <5530 at ethz-inf.UUCP> wyle at ethz.UUCP (Mitchell Wyle) writes:
=Vi intentionally does not put all kinds of crap on your screen (like
=wordstar) other than the text.
I beg your pardon. WordStar only puts the crap that you want on the
screen. It is Microsoft WORD that eats a large percentage of your
usable lines, trying to be friendly. WS is too good an editor that has
been overlooked by the press for me to let that statement go by!
Pete Holsberg UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690 Voice: 1-609-586-4800
From: Chris Hinds <chinds at oakhill.uucp>
Subject: Re: Looking for IEEE Floating Point Test Suite
Date: 17 Nov 89 23:01:14 GMT
Posted: Fri Nov 17 17:01:14 1989
To: info-unix at
rogerc at sauron.Columbia.NCR.COM (Roger Collins) writes:
>I'm looking for a floating point test suite what will test
>IEEE conformance in the non-signaling mode. I'm especially
>interested in testing the exceptional cases involving operations
>on infinity, NaN's, and zero.
Please send this my way, too.
* Motorola Microprocessor Products Sector *
* Austin, Tx *
* *
* Chris N. Hinds <>< *
* oakhill!wtkatz!chinds at *
From: "David E. Bernholdt" <bernhold at>
Subject: CPU time limit on an entire process group?
Date: 17 Nov 89 23:10:54 GMT
To: info-unix at
I want to be able to enforce CPU time limits on a process group as a
whole: send every process in the group a signal when the CPU time
accumulated by all of the processes exceedes some limit.
I tried setrlimit, but that give only a per-process limit. Searching
through the man pages, I can't even find a way of getting the actual
usage of an entire process group -- everything I can find reports only
terminated processes.
The only thing I can think of would be to actually work through the
whole group in the process table and add everything up. Is this the
thing to do?
If anyone has a code which would do this (or pieces of it) I would
like to look at it.
I'm running SunOS 4.0.1.
David Bernholdt bernhold at
Quantum Theory Project bernhold at ufpine.bitnet
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611 904/392 6365
From: Indra Singhal <indra at>
Subject: UNIX conferences in 1990 List?
Date: 18 Nov 89 00:09:44 GMT
To: info-unix at
Does anyone have a list with dates, locations, agenda, etc. of all UNIX
related conferences in the US?
I would appreciate receiving a copy if you have it online.
Please mail me directly to eliminate multiple postings.
Thanks in advance.
iNDRA | indra at amdcad.AMD.COM
| {ames decwrl gatech pyramid sun uunet}!amdcad!indra
| MS 167; Box 3453; Sunnyvale, CA 94088
From: Jeffrey Kirk <captain at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 17 Nov 89 23:53:04 GMT
Keywords: vi > emacs
To: info-unix at
In article <11630 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>The main thing "better" about EMACS over "vi" is that EMACS is modeless.
>Experience (backed by some of the usual silly academic "studies") has
>shown that modeless interactive editing is overall more effective than moded.
I use both vi and emacs, but emacs, modeless?
When is the last time you looked at your status line?
What are magic, exact, cMODE (hint-hint), etc... sure look like MODES to me.
I guess what you are complaining about is the "input" mode in vi, well
everyone has an opinion, personally I can't stand having my left-pinky-finger
glued to the ctrl key 100% of the time in EMACS (Editor for Morons Attracted
to Control Sequences).
-Person forced to use EMACS every day :-[
From: Cathy Benney <cathy at ncelvax.uucp>
Subject: sed
Date: 18 Nov 89 01:53:50 GMT
Keywords: sed tutorial
To: info-unix at
Can anyone recommend a good book for learning "sed"?
I am running 4.3 BSD UNIX System.
Thank You.
From: Jock Cooper <jockc at>
Subject: libdbm
Date: 17 Nov 89 23:39:30 GMT
To: info-unix at
Could someone be so kind as to mail me source code to libdbm.a?
Do not send to this account, instead send to:
uunet!hammer!jockc or jockc at
Thanks in advance,
Jock Cooper
From: Marc Sabatella <mjs at>
Subject: Looking for MUSBUS
Date: 13 Nov 89 23:44:00 GMT
To: info-unix at
I am looking for information about the MUSBUS benchmark from Monash University.
Please E-mail any pointers.
Marc Sabatella
HP Colorado Language Lab
marc%hpfcrt at
From: Kevin Fink <kfink at>
Subject: Changing upper-case filenames to lower-case
Date: 18 Nov 89 03:19:51 GMT
To: info-unix at
Is there an easy way to change all the upper-case characters in a filename
(or set of filenames) to lower-case?
Whenever I transfer files from my PC to the mainframe the filenames get
changed to all caps. This is really annoying.
Kevin Fink
From: Dan Mick <dan at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 17 Nov 89 19:04:26 GMT
Keywords: vi display emacs
To: info-unix at
AAAAA! *PLEASE* stop arguing about editors, or we'll have a 100-message
thread without even trying! Just resist the impulse, or do it in mail...
.sig files are idiotic and wasteful.
From: Tom Ohmer <nam2254 at dsacg2.uucp>
Subject: Can not mail off-site, RTFM not much help
Date: 17 Nov 89 22:29:44 GMT
Keywords: unknown domain
To: info-unix at
In an attempt to NOT post an article with a question (like I'm doing now),
I tried to mail to Henry Spencer at the University of Toronto Zoology Dept.
The mail program here did not like any of the three addresses I used.
I tried: uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry from Henry's .sig
henry at " " "
henry at utzoo.uucp " " header From: line
I have received mail in response to postings I've made, and would like to do
the same, but the man(ual) I've spent (too much of) today in isn't helping,
and everyone around here that I have asked knows less than I do.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Tom Ohmer @ Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center,
DSAC-AMB, Bldg. 27-6, P.O. Box 1605, Columbus, OH 43216-5002
UUCP: ...{seismo!osu-cis}!dsacg2!tohmer INTERNET: tohmer at
Phone: (614) 238-9210 AUTOVON: 850-9210 Disclaimer claimed
From: P E Smee <exspes at>
Subject: Re: export vars from cshell script?
Date: 16 Nov 89 11:04:51 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <1815 at> heidi at (Heidi Johnson) writes:
>Is there an equivalent in the Cshell to the Bourne shell's export
>facility? We have would like to define new environment variables in a
>shell, and have them be known to subsequent processes.
>We're using SunOS 4.0.
Use setenv. (See csh(1)).
Variables defined using setenv are available in child processes. The
syntax of setenv is different from set, God only knows why. Look also
at the 'Variable substitutions' section in csh(1), as there are
limitations on the use of : modifiers if a variable is an environment
var rather than a shell (set) var. If you have the same name both
'set' and 'setenv'ed in a process, the 'set' definition should win.
(So, if you need to use : modifiers on env'ed vars, you need to arrange
for the child process to do something like:
set fred $fred
(Assuming fred is not already 'set', the 'setenv' value will be picked up.)
Paul Smee | JANET: Smee at
Computer Centre | BITNET: at ukacrl.bitnet
University of Bristol | Internet: at
(Phone: +44 272 303132) | UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!!exspes
From: P E Smee <exspes at>
Subject: Re: export vars from cshell script?
Date: 16 Nov 89 11:08:37 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <869 at awdprime.UUCP>!auschs!!ron writes:
>In article <1815 at>, heidi at (Heidi
>> Is there an equivalent in the Cshell to the Bourne shell's export
>> facility? We have would like to define new environment variables in a
>> shell, and have them be known to subsequent processes.
>I may be way off base, but I have always been under the impression that
>setenv automatically exported them??!!
Sposed to do, yep. Problem is that people who are just moving to csh
from sh tend to overlook 'setenv', because csh also has 'set' which
looks at first glance like it ought to be equivalent to sh 'set'.
(In fact, I suppose it is. It's the fact that csh lacks 'export' which
is critical, and which is what they notice.)
Paul Smee | JANET: Smee at
Computer Centre | BITNET: at ukacrl.bitnet
University of Bristol | Internet: at
(Phone: +44 272 303132) | UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!!exspes
From: P E Smee <exspes at>
Subject: Re: export vars from cshell script?
Date: 16 Nov 89 12:02:45 GMT
To: info-unix at
In article <1989Nov16.110451.10002 at> exspes at (P E Smee) writes:
>(So, if you need to use : modifiers on env'ed vars, you need to arrange
>for the child process to do something like:
>set fred $fred
Oops, that should, of course, be:
set fred=$fred
Paul Smee | JANET: Smee at
Computer Centre | BITNET: at ukacrl.bitnet
University of Bristol | Internet: at
(Phone: +44 272 303132) | UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!!exspes
From: P E Smee <exspes at>
Subject: Re: vi editor enhancement request
Date: 16 Nov 89 12:38:10 GMT
Keywords: vi display emacs
To: info-unix at
In article <20668 at> yahoo at (Kenneth L Moore) writes:
>Emacs even allows for the execution of unix commands while in the
>editor. For example: I type Capture Command Output then type date. This
In vi, try :r! shell command...
Don't get me wrong, I like emacs, but it has to always be in cbreak mode
which can be painful on a packet-switched network connection. vi can
(wouldn't want to say whether any particular implementation *does* or
not) go into packetized modes when in input mode.
Paul Smee | JANET: Smee at
Computer Centre | BITNET: at ukacrl.bitnet
University of Bristol | Internet: at
(Phone: +44 272 303132) | UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!!exspes
End of INFO-UNIX Digest
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