Disk space tracker/file locking

Jim Burwell jimb at faatcrl.UUCP
Wed Nov 15 07:29:22 AEST 1989

Hi there,

Does anyone know of a shell script/program which does periodic disk space
tracking, on a directory level ?  i.e., if a directory grows by a certain 
ammount, the script tells me something like 'alert:  directory /usr/diskhog has
grown from 20Megs to 50 megs!'.   I have "watcher", but I havn't set it up.  It
looks like this might be able to do it with the proper watcher file.

Also, does anyone know how to do file locking from a shell script ??  I'd like
to do stuff like generate a new paths file (for Smail), move the on-line paths
into a "filename.old" file, and move the new file into place.  In general, I
need a way to have an exclusive write lock on a file so any other processes
that use the file wont get screwed up.. Is there a way to do this ?


|          James S. Burwell                      |                          |
|                                                | "UseNet...A text network |
|          UUCP:                                 |  in a binary world" - Me |
|          ...!{ames!netsys|rutgers}!faatcrl     |                          |
|          !jimb                                 |  "How do you say         |
|                                     .          |   'multitasking' in      |
|          Internet:                   .         |   MS-DOSish?  Network    |
|      //  jimb at faatcrl.UUCP            .    **  |   File Server!" - Me     |
|     //                                 .  **** |                          |
| \\ //    GEnie:         Airwarior:      . .**  |  <reserved for future>   |
|  \X/     JIMBURWELL     Techrat          .     |  <expansion....      >   |

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