Can ls show total Kbytes of "foo*"?

Brian V. Smith envbvs at
Sat Oct 28 07:28:04 AEST 1989

In article <1989Oct27.130914.12943 at>, madd at
(jim frost) writes:
< In article <2453 at umbc3.UMBC.EDU> rostamia at umbc3.UMBC.EDU (Rouben
Rostamian) writes:
< |
< |I wonder if there is an obvious way to compute the total size of all
< |"foo*" files in a directory.  The only way I know how is the ridiculously 
< |complicated construction:
< |
< |ls -1s foo* | awk 'BEGIN{size=0} {size += $1} END{print "total: " size}'
< [...]
< |Am I missing something obvious?
< Yes.  You could just do "wc -c foo* | tail -1".  If you don't do the
< tail it will display the size of each followed by a summary line; with
< it you get just the summary line or -- if there's only one file --
< just the size.

Try that on some LARGE files and you will quickly (slowly) see that
"wc" is much slower than the "ls."
Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith at
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

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