IRC - Internet Relay Chat Program???

danl at danl at
Fri Oct 20 08:39:32 AEST 1989

This is probably the wrong place to ask, so please be merciful in directing me
to a better source.

Has anyone heard of IRC - Internet Relay Chat?  A user on my system has
come up with this and wants me to install it.  What I'm really interested
in is, is it going to bury my system or my network?  I agree that it probably
isn't the worlds best use of network bandwidth.  How popular is it?  What can
I expect if I'm foolish enough to install it?

Thanx in advance.
Dan Gosner				Internet: danl at
Operations Manager				  DGosner at TOE.TOWSON.EDU 
Towson State University			Bitnet:   DGosner at TOWSONVX
Academic Computing
Towson, Maryland  21204
   %% VMS pays the bills, but Unix is where my real work gets done. %%

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