Access to UNIX User Groups
std-unix at uunet.UU.NET
std-unix at uunet.UU.NET
Mon Oct 30 11:27:43 AEST 1989
This is the latest in a series of similar comp.std.unix articles,
intended to give summary information about UNIX User groups;
to be accurate, but not exhaustive. It's cross-posted to and comp.unix.questions because there might be
interest there. These articles were originated by John S. Quarterman
of TIC, Austin, Texas. This issue of October 1989 was researched by
Susanne W. Smith of Windsound Consulting, Seattle, Washington
<sws at>.
There are three related articles, posted at the same time as this one,
and with subjects
Calendar of UNIX-related Events
Access to UNIX-Related Publications
Access to UNIX-Related Standards
The latter is posted only to comp.std.unix.
Corrections and additions to this article are solicited. I keep track
of the conferences, groups, and publications that I attend, am a member
of, or subscribe to. All others (the majority of the listings) I derive
either from listings elsewhere, or from contributions by readers.
In particular, the meeting schedules and descriptions of most of the
groups are provided by their members. If a group doesn't have a
meeting schedule listed, it's because nobody has sent me one. This is
a low-budget operation: I publish what I have on hand when the time
comes (approximately monthly).
Changes since last posting: 1990 meeting dates for JUS and /usr/group/cdn,
DECUS Toronto meeting
Access information is given in this article for the following:
user groups: USENIX, UniForum, UNIX Expo, /usr/group/cdn,
EUUG, AFUU, UKUUG, /usr/group/uk, GUUG, i2u, NLUUG
DECUS UNIX SIG, Sun User Group (SUG),
Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society (ADUS),
Open Software Foundation (OSF),
UNIX International (UI).
Telephone numbers are given in international format, i.e., +n at
the beginning for the country code, e.g., +44 is England, +81 Japan,
+82 Korea, +61 Australia, +64 New Zealand, and +1 is U.S.A. or Canada.
UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.
USENIX is ``The Professional and Technical UNIX(R) Association.''
USENIX Association
2560 Ninth Street
Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710
tel: +1-415-528-8649
fax: +1-415-548-5738
office at
USENIX sponsors two USENIX Conferences a year, featuring technical papers,
as well as tutorials, and with vendor exhibits at the summer conferences:
1990 Jan 22-26 USENIX Omni Shoreham, Washington, DC
1990 Apr 9-11 C++ San Francisco, CA
1990 Jun 11-15 USENIX Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA
1991 Jan 21-25 USENIX Grand Kempinski, Dallas, TX
1991 Jun 10-14 USENIX Opryland, Nashville, TN
1992 Jan 20-24 USENIX Hilton Square, San Francisco, CA
1992 Jun 8-12 USENIX Marriott, San Antonio, TX
1993 Jan USENIX Town & Country, San Diego, CA
1993 Jun 21-25 USENIX Cincinnati, OH
They also sponsor workshops, such as
1989 Nov 16-17 Graphics Workshop V Monterey, CA
Proceedings for all conferences and workshops are available at
the door and by mail later. Some of the older ones have been
out of print, but the office will duplicate small quantities for you.
USENIX publishes ``;login: The USENIX Association Newsletter''
bimonthly. It is sent free of charge to all their members and
includes technical papers. There is a USENET newsgroup,, for discussion of USENIX-related matters.
In 1988, USENIX started publishing a new refereed quarterly
technical journal, ``Computing Systems: The Journal of the USENIX
Association,'' in cooperation with University of California Press.
They also publish an edition of the 4.3BSD manuals and distribute the
2.10BSD software distribution. They coordinate a software exchange for
appropriately licensed members. They occasionally sponsor experiments,
such as methods of improving the USENET and UUCP networks (e.g., UUNET),
that are of interest and use to the membership.
There is a USENIX Institutional Representative on the IEEE P1003
Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments Committee.
That representative also moderates the USENET newsgroup comp.std.unix,
which is for discussion of UNIX-related standards, especially P1003.
There is also a USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee following several
standards bodies. For more details, see the posting in comp.std.unix,
``Access to UNIX-Related Standards.''
UniForum (formerly /usr/group) is a non-profit trade association dedicated
to the promotion of products and services based on the UNIX operating system.
2901 Tasman Drive
Suite 201
Santa, Clara, CA 95054
tel: +1-408-986-8840
fax: +1-408-986-1645
UniForum sponsors an annual conference and trade show which
features vendor exhibits, as well as tutorials and technical sessions.
1990 Jan 23-26 UniForum Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
1991 Jan 22-25 UniForum Infomart, Dallas, TX
1992 Jan 21-24 UniForum Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
1993 Mar 2-4 UniForum Washington, D.C.
Proceedings for all conferences are available at the shows and later
by mail.
UniForum publishes ``CommUNIXations,'' a member magazine that
features articles by industry leaders and observers, technical issues,
standards coverage, and new product announcements.
UniForum also publishes the ``UNIX Products Directory,'' which lists
products and services developed specifically for the UNIX operating system.
``/usr/digest'' is also published by UniForum. This newsletter covers
product announcements and industry projections, and is sent biweekly
to General members of UniForum and to non-member subscribers.
UniForum has long been deeply involved in UNIX standardization,
having sponsored the ``/usr/group 1984 Standard,'' providing an Institutional
Representative to the IEEE P1003 Portable Operating System for Computer
Environments Committee, and sponsoring the UniForum Technical Committee
on areas that P1003 has not yet addressed. They have recently produced
an executive summary, ``Your Guide to POSIX,'' and a technical overview
``POSIX Explored,'' and funded production of a draft of a ``Rationale and
Notes'' appendix for IEEE 1003.1.
UNIX EXPO is an annual very large vendor exhibit in New York City
with tutorials and technical presentations. It is held at the
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, with lodging arrangements with
the Sheraton Centre Hotel, both in Manhattan.
1989 Nov 1-3 UNIX EXPO Javits Conv. C, New York, NY
1990 Oct 31-Nov 2 UNIX EXPO New York, NY
National Expositions Co., Inc.
15 West 39th Street
New York, NY 10018
fax: +1-212-819-0755
Reservations Department
Sheraton Centre Hotel
811 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019
Fax: +1-212-262-4410
Telex: 421130
/usr/group/cdn is the Canadian branch of /usr/group, and holds an
annual spring conference and trade show modeled after UniForum,
usually at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. They also hold
a UNIX in Government show in the winter in Ottawa.
Exhibitors and attendees can contact:
Fawn Lubman
Communications 2000
4195 Dundas St. #201
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y4
241 Gamma St.
Etobicoke, Ontario M8W 4G7
1990 Jan 9-10 U in Gov. C&T /usr/group/cdn, Ottawa, ON
1990 May 30-Jun 1 U 9x/etc C&T /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
1991 Feb U in Gov. C&T /usr/group/cdn, Ottawa, ON
1991 May U 9x/etc C&T /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
EUUG is the European UNIX systems Users Group. EUUG is closely coordinated
with national groups in Europe, and with the European UNIX network, EUnet.
EUUG secretariat
Owles Hall
Herts SG9 9PL
+44 763 73039
fax: +44 763 73255
euug at
They have a quarterly newsletter, EUUGN, and hold two conferences a year:
1990 Apr 23-27 EUUG Munich, Germany
1990 Oct 22-26 EUUG Nice, France
1991 May 20-24 EUUG Tromso, Norway (tentative)
1991 Sep 16-20 EUUG Budapest, Hungary
1992 Spring EUUG Jersey, U.K. (tentative)
1992 Autumn EUUG Amsterdam, Netherlands (tentative)
AFUU is the Association Franc\*,aise des Utilisateurs d'UNIX,
or French UNIX Users' Group. They are holding a small convention
in November and a large one in the spring with tutorials and a
vendor exhibit.
11 Rue Carnot
94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre
Telex: 263 887 F
1989 Nov 24 AFUU Convention Paris, France
1990 Mar 26-30 AFUU Convention Paris, France
UKUUG is the United Kingdom Unix systems Users' Group.
Bill Barrett
Owles Hall
Herts. SG9 9PL
United Kingdom
+44 763 73039
1989 Dec 11-13 UKUUG Conference Cardiff, Wales, UK
UniForum UK is the U.K. affiliate of UniForum, and holds an annual
COMUNIX Conference in June in conjunction with the European UNIX User Show,
which is an achibition organised by EMAP INternation Exhibitions.
Tracy MacIntyre
Exhibition Manager
EMAP International Exhibitions Ltd.
Abbot's Court
34 Farringdon Lane
London EC1R 3AU
United Kingdom
The German UNIX Systems User Group (GUUG) has an annual convention in the fall.
GUUG (German Unix User Group)
Elsenheimer Str. 43
8000 Muenchen 21
Federal Republic of Germany
guug at guug.uucp
+49 089 570 76 97
The Italian UNIX Systems User Group (i2u) holds an annual summer
Italian UNIX Convention, with tutorials and a vendor exhibition.
Carlo Mortarino
i2u Secretariat
Via Monza, 347
20126 Milano
i2u at i2unix.uucp
The Netherlands UNIX Users Group (NLUUG) holds a fall conference with
techinal sessions and tutorials.
Netherlands (NLUUG)
Patricia H. Otter
c/o Xirion bv.
World Trade Centre
Strawinskylaan 1135
1077 XX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 206649411
patricia at hp4nl or nluug at hp4nl
1989 Nov 9 NLUUG 'De Reehorst', Ede, The Netherlands
The following information about European groups courtesy EUUG:
Austria (UUGA)
Friedrich Kofler
c/o Austro Olivetti
Rennwe 9
A-1030 Vienna
+43 222 7345010
kofler at oliol.uucp
Belgium (BUUG)
Marc Nyssen
Department of Medical Informatics
Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussels
+32 2 4784890 Ext. 1424
buug at vub.uucp
Denmark (DKUUG)
Mogens Buhelt
Kabbeleejvej 27B
DK-2700 Bronshoj
+45 2 865533
dkuug at
Finland (FUUG)
Johan Helsingius
Oy Penetron Ab
Box 21
02171 Espoo
+358 0 427632 or 673280
julf at
Dr El\o'o^'d Knuth
Computer and Automation Institute
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 63
H-1502 Budapest 112
+36 1 665 435
Iceland (ICEUUG)
Marius Olafsson
University Computer Center
Hjardarhaga 4
Dunhaga 5
107 Reykjavik
+354 1 694747
iceuug at
Ireland (IUUG)
John Carolan
Glockenspiel Ltd.
19 Belvedere Place
+353 1364515
john at puschi.uucp
Norway (NUUG)
Jan Brandt Jensen
c/o Unisoft A.S.
Enebakkvn 154
N-O680 Oslo 6
+47 2 688970
Sweden (EUUG-S)
Hans Johansson
NCR Svenska AB
Box 1206
S-164 28 Kista
euug at
AUUG is the Australian UNIX systems Users Group.
Tim Roper
timr at
P.O. Box 366
N.S.W. 2033
auug at
Phone contact can occasionally be made at +61 3 344 5225
AUUG holds one major national Conference and Exhibition per year during
August or September, and regional, technical meetings in February or
1990 Sep 11-14 AUUG Southern Cross Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
They publish a newsletter (AUUGN) at a frequency defined to be every 2 months.
The New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group, Inc. (NZUSUGI) has an annual meeting
and publishes a newsletter, ``NUZ.''
New Zealand UNIX Systems User Group
P.O. Box 585
New Zealand
The Japan UNIX Society has three meetings a year, and a newsletter.
The JUS UNIX Symposium is held twice annually, once in the winter and
once in the summer. It has technical presentations, tutorials,
and a vendor exhibit. The JUS UNIX Fair is held once a year, and
has a vendor exhibit, tutorials, and seminars.
Japan UNIX Society (JUS)
#505 Towa-Hanzomon Corp. Bldg.
2-12 Hayabusa-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
bod%jus.junet at
1989 Nov 9-10 14th JUS UNIX S Osaka, Japan
1989 Dec 5-6 UNIX Fair '89 Tokyo, Japan
1990 Jul 9-11 15th JUS S JUS, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Nov 15-16 16th JUS S JUS, Osaka, Japan
1990 Dec 4-5 JUS UNIX Fair '90 JUS, Tokyo, Japan
The Korean UNIX User Group (KUUG) has a software distribution service
and a newsletter. They hold an annual Korean UNIX Symposium in the winter.
Korean UNIX User Group
P.O. Box 8
Daedug Science Town
Dae Jeon CIty
Chungnam 301-350
Republic of Korea
Kee Wook Rim
rim at
+82-42-822-4455 x4646
fax: +82-42-823-1033
The Malaysian Unix Users Association (MALNIX) hold seminars other meetings.
The Organiser
MALNIX/MIMOS International Seminar
7th Floor, Bukit Naga Complex
Jalan Semantan
50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 3 2552 700
fax: +60 3 2552 755
malnix at or uunet!mimos!malnix
The Singapore UNIX Association (Sinix) holds an annual Southeast Asian
Regional Computer Conference.
James Clark
c/o Computer Systems Advisers, Ltd.
203 Henderson Industrial Park
Wing B #1207-1214
Singapore 0315
fax: 65-278-1783
1989 Dec 8-9 UNIX Asia'89 Conference Singapore
The China UNIX User Group (CUUG) is the Chinese UniForum affiliate.
Xu Kongshi
China UNIX User Group
P.O. Box 8718
Beijing, 100080
People's Republic of China
AMIX - the Israeli UNIX user group, is a S.I.G. of the Israeli Processing
Association (IPA). AMIX has a yearly conference and other activities.
There are similar groups in other parts of the world. If such a group
wishes to be included in later versions of this access list, they
should please send me information.
There is a partial list of national organizations in the November/December
1987 CommUNIXations.
DECUS, the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society,
has a UNIX SIG (Special Interest Group) that participates
in its general meetings, which are held twice a year.
DECUS U.S. Chapter
219 Boston Post Road, BP02
Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752-1850
The next DECUS Symposia are:
1989 Nov 6-10 DECUS Anaheim, CA
1990 Jan 22-26 DECUS Toronto, Canada
1990 Mar 26-19 DECUS Vasteras, Sweden
1990 May 7-11 DECUS New Orleans, LA
1990 Dec 10-14 DECUS Las Vegas, NV
1991 Feb 18-22 DECUS Ottawa, Canada
1991 May 6-10 DECUS Atlanta, GA
1991 Dec 9-13 DECUS Anaheim, CA
1992 May 4-8 DECUS Atlanta, GA
See also the USENET newsgroup
The Sun User Group (SUG) is an international organization that promotes
communication among Sun users, OEMs, third party vendors, and Sun
Microsystems, Inc. SUG sponsors conferences, collects and distributes
software, produces the README newsletter and T-shirts, sponsors local
user groups, and communicates members' problems to Sun employees and
Sun Microsystems User Group, Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
+1 415 960 1300
users at
Their next annual conference is:
1989 Dec 6-8 Sun User Group Conference Hilton, Anaheim, CA
ADUS is the Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society:
Apollo DOMAIN Users' Society
c/o Andrea Woloski, ADUS Coordinator
Apollo Computer Inc.
330 Billerica Rd.
Chelmsford, MA 01824
+1-617-256-6600, x4448
The Open Software Foundation (OSF) is a vendor group formed 17 May 1988
by Apollo, Bull, DEC, HP, IBM, Nixdorff, and Siemens, and later joined
by Philips.
For more information, contact:
Larry Lytle or Gary McCormack
Open Software Foundation
11 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02139
UNIX International (UI).
UNIX International
20 Waterview Blvd.
Parsnippany, NJ 07054
Volume-Number: Volume 17, Number 50
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