INFO-UNIX Digest V8#100

danl at danl at
Tue Oct 24 15:19:35 AEST 1989

Chris Torek <chris at> writes:

>On all of the BSD derivatives on which setuid scripts run setuid,
>all such setuid scripts are not secure.

Ok Chris, so I could be wrong (it certainly wouldn't be the first time),
but please explain why.  How are they not secure (with proper planning)?
And how are they any more secure if they are first run from a C program
which exec's the shell?
Dan Gosner				Internet: danl at
Operations Manager				  DGosner at TOE.TOWSON.EDU 
Towson State University			Bitnet:   DGosner at TOWSONVX
Academic Computing
Towson, Maryland  21204
   %% VMS pays the bills, but Unix is where my real work gets done. %%

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