Quieting & background jobs in sh and ksh

Richard Childers childers at avsd.UUCP
Wed Oct 4 08:49:52 AEST 1989

wcs at cbnewsh.ATT.COM (Bill Stewart 201-949-0705 ho95c.att.com!wcs) writes:

>I want to put a command into background without getting the process-id
>echoed by the shell.  I've tried variants on
>	nohup foo >/dev/null 2>&1 &
>but still get the process-id back in /bin/sh and the [jobnumber] pid
>in ksh.  Is there any way to silence this?

I've used something like this with the csh successfully :

	( command arg1 arg2 argN >& /dev/null ) & >& /dev/null

... I'm not sure how it'd work in a ksh environment, though ...

># Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs 4M312 Holmdel NJ 201-949-0705 ho95c.att.com!wcs

-- richard

># More Colombians die from American tobacco than Americans from Colombian coke.

Ain't it the truth ??!!

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