wanted to know

sidda mysore at bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Thu Sep 7 04:10:24 AEST 1989

Can anybody tell me the efficient way of learning advanced level of UNIX. I
know basic UNIX and little bit shell programming. I would like to know
about writing device drivers, networking (TCP/IP) and kernel development.
The reason for asking this is to get ready for job market. None of them
wanted to hire without these things. 

I'd appreciate if you mail your responses to mysore at bsu-cs.bsu.edu.


SWAMY BALE, 819 W. Riverside, Muncie, Indiana 47303. 317-288-2056, 285-1670
arpa: mysore at bsu-cs.bsu.edu UUCP: <iuvax,pur-ee>!bsu.edu!bsu-cs!mysore
****  I am ready for immediate hiring, Can I send my resume?   *****

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