Listing only the headers when reading news

Tim Nelson tim at ncrcan.Toronto.NCR.COM
Fri Sep 15 21:27:11 AEST 1989

In article <4156 at buengc.BU.EDU> bph at (Blair P. Houghton) writes:
>In article <11650 at boulder.Colorado.EDU> baileyc at tramp.Colorado.EDU (BAILEY CHRISTOPHER R) writes:
>>How do I get rn to display only the header of each post/message on
>>the net???  Right now, I get the header and however much of each 
>>message can fit on my screen.  Thanks.
>A new school year begins.  :-(
>Look, kids, RTFM.
>I know the man page for rn/vnews/whateverthehellyouuse is long, but
>imagine if we get into discussing everything in it just because you
>didn't take care of 99% of that discussion just by R'ing TFM.


* first an apology to Blair for sending this to him instead of 'followup'.

I have read the man page, and some of the documentation for rn, but I have
failed to find an explanation for the following command:

             D    (that's right, an uppercase d)

I use this command instead of the '=' in most cases.

The part I don't understand about this command is this, when I type 'D'
at the newsgroup prompt, it returns a line similar to:

            Trys 34  Hits 34

Perhaps someone out there can explain this.

I hope I have been clear on this.

         later & later,

tim (nelson)         | uucp        ...!uunet!attcan!ncrcan!tim
ncr canada           | internet     tim at ncrcan.Toronto.NCR.COM
(416) 826-9000 x442  | 6865 Century Ave, Mississauga, Ontario
* Have a good day, and a great forever.

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