info on libmp needed...

Andrew D Nimmo andrewn at
Tue Sep 26 01:56:33 AEST 1989

	submission to comp.unix.questions

	I'm looking for info. on the internals of, and using, the 
mp (multiple precision integer) library.  Any references, papers 
(I can print postscript, TeX, and troff if necessary), programs 
or explanations would be very helpful.

	Thanks in anticipation.

	Andrew D. Nimmo.

	Andrew D. Nimmo, VLSI and Graphics Research Group,
	EAPS II, University of Sussex, Falmer, BRIGHTON, East Sussex, BN1 9Qt
	TEL: +44 273 606755 x 2617
	EMAIL: (JANET) andrewn at | (UUCP) ...mcsun!ukc!syma!andrewn

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