Converting wait3() to System V

William Kucharski kucharsk at
Sat Sep 16 12:49:19 AEST 1989

In article <10800032 at bradley> vijay at bradley.UUCP writes:
 >	I hope you can give me some pointers. I am trying to port 
 >an application from a 4.3 BSD UNIX to System V. There is a 
 >wait3() call in the application that needs to be converted to
 >System V wait() or equivalent. And that's where I am stuck. Any help 
 >would be appreciated.
 >Thanks in advance... 

It depends upon the parameters you're trying to feed to the wait3() call.
If you're just trying to do a WNOHANG-style non-blocking wait, try something
along the lines of (PSEUDO-C Code Follows):

	alarm(1);		/* set alarm time for around 1 second */
	pid = wait(&status);	/* blocking wait(2) */
	alarm(0);		/* reset alarm */

If the wait succeeds - no problem.  If it doesn't, it will be awakened by
the alarm call. 
| ARPA:	kucharsk at			    |	William Kucharski     |
| UUCP:	...!{ames,apple,sun,uunet}!amdahl!kucharsk  |	Amdahl Corporation    |
| Saying: "It's a window system named 'X,' NOT a system named 'X Windows'"    |
| Disclaimer:  "The opinions expressed above may not agree with mine at any   |
|              other moment in time, so they certainly can't be those of my   |
|              employer."						      |

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