PL/1 for DECstations

Klaus Harbo harbo at
Thu Aug 23 01:17:22 AEST 1990

Does anyone know if there is an implementation of PL/1 available for the
DECstations? We have DS3100s running Ultrix 3100. 

It is of less importance if it is public domain or commercial. If anyone
knows, please e-mail me.

Thanks in advance.


|  Klaus Harbo                   |                                         |
|  Euromath Center               | e-mail:               harbo at |  
|  Universitetsparken 5          | phone:           +45 3135 3135 ext. 417 | 
|  DK-2100 Copenhagen            | fax:                      +45 3135 0427 |


|  Klaus Harbo                   |                                         |
|  Euromath Center               | e-mail:               harbo at |  

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