help sought - securing a terminal/line

Joe.Fernandez joe at robin.SanDiego.NCR.COM
Fri Aug 17 06:11:31 AEST 1990

In article <=D25VBE at> peter at (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In article <3846 at>, guy at (Guy Harris) writes:
>> For UNIX-like systems with "ttymon", such as System V Release 4, I think
>> there's some other magic you can do to arrange that "ttymon" run your
>> program when the port starts up.
>You're saying V.4 doesn't use inittab?
>Um, this is not good. The flexibility of inittab has been very helpful. I
>don't want to go back to kludging a login or getty front-end again.

inittab still exists in SVR4. ttymon is a STREAMS-based port monitor
that detects connection requests on the tty ports. It replaces the 
getty processes. SVR4 now has one process doing the work that lots of
getty processes had to do in in pre-SVR4. A connection request
is when one non-break char followed by a new line char is received on
the port. When ttymon detects the connection request it executes the 
service process that has been configured for that port. One example of
a service process is our old friend the login process. But you can create
your own specific service process. This is unlike pre-SVR4 where the only
service process that can be invoked from getty is 'login'. 

inittab starts the ttymon and any other port monitors (e.g., listen) that
may exist on the system. Users can develop their own port monitors.

--Hope this helps
Joe Fernandez                               NCR Corporation, MS# 9140       
(619) 485-2186                              16550 W. Bernardo Dr.
uunet!ncrlnk!ncr-sd!iss-rb!robin!joe        San Diego, CA 92127

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